Chapter 4: New Girl

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~Recap ~

Lexi's POV

I was cut off by a low growl. Everyone's head snapped in the direction of where the growl came from.

The scent was not familiar. I hissed and showed my fangs. The girls and Liam did the same. Perrie turned into her wolf form.

Whoever it was slowly crept out. It was a werewolf. It had a beautiful white coat and one brown eye and one blue eye.

~End of Recap~

Lexi's POV

I looked at the wolf. I knew my eyes were red. I think this wolf is stupid.

I watched the wolf go in human form. Wow she is beautiful. Now, I'm completely insecure.

"H-hi" She stuttered. I just glared at her.

"Why were you in the woods and hiding from us?" I asked.

"I was g-going on a w-walk and I saw you guys t-training. I was j-just watching. I-i didn't mean to bother you." She said stuttering in between words.

"What's your name?" Tina asked.

"Jessica but I like Jess better." She started.

"Well I'm Tina. And this is Liam, Perrie, Becky, Jade, Brittany, Lexi, Zayn, Niall, Louis, and Harry." She said pointing to whoever the name belonged to.

She looked straight at Harry and smiled. He did the same. I rolled my eyes.

"We're leaving now." I said.

"Wait, let's bring her." Harry said.

"No. We don't even know her!" I said. Raising my voice a little.

"Well give her a chance." Harry said. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." I said and walked back over to the house.

I can't believe he told me to bring her along. Ugh. It's stupid. We don't even know her. We have no clue what she's capable of.

The door opened and Harry and Jessica walked in first. They were talking and standing side by side. I rolled my eyes. I'm gonna call her Jessica because she said she doesn't want to be called that.

Harry and Jessica both completely ignored my existence. Niall came over and sat next to me.

"You ok? You seem a little mad." Niall said.

"I'm fine" I lied. I'm not fine. It's not fair. She suddenly gets here and everyone loves her.

Niall got up and walked away. I looked over to Jessica. Everyone was around her asking her questions and adoring her. WTF! Am I invisible or something.

"Guys!" I called out. No one looked at me. Not even the girls.

"Helloooo..." I said.

"Shut up Lexi were trying to talk to Jess." Perrie said. My heart just broke. My best friend told me to shut up, she meant it. It's not one of those times were she's being around.

I felt a tear role down my cheek. No I haven't cried in about 120 years. No! I knew I was gonna burst soon so I got up and went to my room.

As soon as I shut the door, I balled. I slid my back down the door until my butt hit the floor.

Tears were streaming down my face nonstop. Until I couldn't cry anymore. I just started blankly at my wall. I didn't move. I just sat there.

'What's so special about her? She is just a random girl. How do they trust her? Why do they love her so much? It doesn't make sense. She is a stupid werewolf. Why is Harry so into her. None of this makes sense.' I thought letting my emotions get to me.

I sighed. I wonder when they'll notice I'm not down there anymore.

**5am at night (13 hours later)**

Nobody has even come upstairs yet. They haven't checked on me nothing. I'm going down there.

I got up from the floor, because I haven't moved. I opened my door. I made sure I stomped down the stairs.

Went I got to the bottom, they didn't even notice. To focused on Jessica. Then something caught my eye. She was wearing Perrie's necklace! Perrie never let me even fucking touch it let alone wear it.

She said it meant to much to her. That she would never let anyone wear it. She let Jessica though.

I stormed up to Perrie and turned her around so she was facing me.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled at her.

"What?" She asked. Everyone was now locked on our conversation.


"She's my new best friend. You never meant much to me anyway." She said casually.

"W-what?" I stuttered. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"It's true." She said. I can't believe her.

"Have you been crying?" Harry asked.

"Why would you care?! You never cared before. None if you heard me screaming and crying up there. I was up there for 13 hours. Nobody noticed I left." I said. I finally let the tears out.

Nobody came to to me. They were just looking at me. None of them care. Then I didn't feel sad. I was angry.

I started walking over toward Jessica. I'm about to rip her precious little head off of her precious little body. Then, Niall grabbed my arm. I looked at him.

"What are you gonna do?" Niall asked.

"I'm gonna kill this dumb bitch!" I told him. He's eyes widened. His grip got tighter. I was stronger than him. He couldn't hold me back.

"Your not! She didn't do anything." I said.

"She did!" I yelled. We started arguing saying yes and no back and forth.

I got way to angry and impatient. I don't like when people argue with me.

I bit his neck making him scream out in pain. I injected my venom in him before I was pulled away, by multiple people.

He feel to the ground holding his neck.

"What the fuck?! Lexi why did you do that?!" Brittany yelled at me.

I knew my eyes were red. Then I noticed what I did. I didn't mean to. I let my anger get to me. Niall was crying. I hurt him. I also just ruined his life......


So here you go. Niall's a vampire. I had people comment for him to be a vampire next. So here you go. I hope you enjoyed. Vote and comment. Thank you!


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