The Great One?

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Lexi ' POV

I inched closer to where the snap of the branch came from. Harry grabbed my hand. He shook his head at me. I looked back into the woods and examined the shadows hoping they wouldn't move. A head turned in the shadow. There were 4 shadows. That would move there head or move farther against the tree.

"Harry, you need to run." I whispered to him. He shook his head. 'Please' I mouthed to him. He got up and kissed me slowly on the lips and then quickly ran.

Someone went to chase after him and I grabbed him and threw them onto the ground. Three other people came out. All with fangs out. I recognized them and realized I was in trouble.

"Why hide? You guys usually don't care." I said. The guy I threw on the ground got up and brushed himself off.

"We know you, Lexi." The Great said.

"I know what this is about. Now get on with it." I said.

"Lexi, you know the rules and you betrayed them. You are going to be killed for letting humans know we exist and letting them live. Not only that but also that you are in a relationship with one of them." The Great explained. I smirked.

"Gotta catch me first." I said and ran with vampire speed of course. The Young Ones were chasing after me.

I ran as fast as I could. Dogging trees and some puddles. I ran into werewolf territory and they all stopped and didn't cross the line. A wolf crawled out and growled at the three vampires about to cross the line. They stopped and went back to The Great One.

The wolf went to human and smiled at me.

"Why are you running from them? Even risking coming into wolf territory." Wolf boy asked.

"Um humans know us vampires exist and they live with me and um I'm dating one. We were on a date when they uh came and the punishment is death so why not try a run?" I explained.

"Seems worth it." Wolf boy said.

"Name?" I asked.

"The Great One is at your house. I hear him and the other but there's a bunch of other voices. Better hurry." Wolf boy said.

I ran as fast as possible to the house.

I ran in the door and everyone was there. The girls were on the couch. The boys were spread out around.

"Ah I figured you would come soon. To protect your friends and boyfriend." The Great One said.

"You want me dead not them. You want me, you gotta chase me. They did nothing wrong. They have to follow my orders. Remember leader of the coven." I said quickly.

"Lexi." Harry said. The Great One then used his powers and flung him into the wall.

"Harry!" I yelled and went to see if he was okay but it got hard to breath and my breathing stopped. I gasped for air.

Wolf boy and his friends burst through the door and attacked The Young Ones. The Great One focused on them. I shot fire at him and his robe was caught on fire. I have one of the worst powers. Fire. Vampires enemy. It can kill us quickly.

The Great One couldn't do anything besides burn. So I slowly watched him burn to a crisp. I ran over to Harry. He looked at The Great One in fear.. And me.

I stepped back from him and looked at Wolf Boy.

"Thanks. To all of you. I still never got that name Wolf Boy." I said.

"You don't need it just yet. We just killed The Young Ones. They'll come looking for us. I don't want anyone giving names. Not that you would but it's just making sure I'll be okay and my family." He explained and then smirked. I glared at him.

He waved bye and left with his friends. I turned to face my friends. They all weren't happy.

"Guys.. I'm sorry about that. Don't worry though. I have to go anyway. I'll be heading to a different state. Hide from the other vampires for when the found about them." I said.

"You're leaving?" Niall asked.

"Yes." I said simply.

"No. No you're not. You are not leaving. We need you. We want you here. I love you Lexi. We all love you some in different ways than others. I barely know you but I do know you don't give up. Running is giving up." Liam said strictly.

"Running isn't giving up. It's fighting for my life." I defended myself.

"No. You'd fight here for your life. Not somewhere else." He argued. I kept quite.

I walked away and went to my room. I grabbed a duffle bag and started packing things I would need. There was a quite knock on the door. I decided to ignore it. The door then opened. I turned around ready to yell at Liam but it was a sad green eyed Harry.

"Don't go." Harry said quietly.

I didn't say anything and kept packing. I went to put a shirt in my bag but Harry grabbed my arm. I dropped the shirt and looked at Harry. He moved his hand from my arm to my hand. He intertwined his fingers with mine.

"Don't go." He said without breaking eye contact.

I stayed silent and didn't say a word. A look of desperation swept across his face. I looked down to avoid his hard gaze. He placed his hand on my chin and lifted my head slowly. He leaned in and hovered his lips against mine. I craved his lips against mine and he knew it.

I stared him in the eyes, waiting for something to happen but nothing did.

He rubbed his thumb slowly across my lips as if he were trying to remember them. He then brushed his lips lightly against mine. He wanted me to kiss him. He wants me to stay but I'm not giving in.

"I'm sorry." I whispered and picked up my bag and zoomed out the house.



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