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Lexi's POV

"They're dead, Lexi." The words processed in my head but I still couldn't latch onto the thought.

"W-who?" I asked still confused.

"Becky, Brittany, and Zayn." He said holding tears back for his close friend.

I was gone in 2 seconds. I needed to get to the house. I had to see for myself.

I didn't bother to knock and just went straight in. Becky was laying on the floor with a broken neck. I looked to my left and Brittany had a stake driven through her heart. She was no longer pale but a dark charcoal gray. Right next to Brittany was Zayn. He also had a broken neck.

Why did I run? I should've stayed. They would not be dead if I just stayed. This is all my fault. They're dead and it's my fault.

I looked at all the sad and crying faces. They all just stared at me. No words exchanged. A rush of anger went through me and I grabbed a lamp and threw it across the room.

Liam got up and walked over to me. He just hugged me. I held back the tears that were starting to fall from my eyes. I didn't hug Liam back. I just stood there. I don't know what to do.

"If you come with us, no one else has to die." A voice spoke.

Liam pulled away and looked to where the voice came from. The Great Ones daughter stood with several vampires behind her. I looked one last time at everyone in the room.

"I'm sorry." I spoke.

One of the vampires grabbed walked over to me and grabbed my arm and dragged me out. Harry was standing outside. He was about to grab the guy but I shook my head and he stopped and looked down.

"I love you." I whispered.


I was thrown into a dark and cold cellar. The door was slammed and locked behind me. I sat down against the walk. There was blood smeared on the walls and it wasn't human. There was whispers surrounding me.

"What did you do?" A scratchy and rough voice spoke.

"I killed The Great One." I said coldly.

Even more whispers emerged in the darkness but no one asked any more questions.

A young girl crawled in from the shadows that were even to dark for any vampire to see through. She was slowly wilting away from hunger. The girl just stared at me.

"You smell like wolf." She said hoarse.

I just looked at her coldly.

"They're gonna kill you." She said.

"And Im gonna kill you if you don't sh-" I was cut off my the door opening. Two guards stood at the door. They motioned for me to get up. I did. I walked over to where they were.

They quickly turned me around and chained my hands together. I wad then pushed forward. I just walked straight and ignored the screams and yells through all the steel doors. All the cries for help. All of the anger. Then I heard a beating heart.

I saw Harry. Everything around me stopped. Harry was kneeled on the ground. His hair was in his face. His heart was beating so fast and his breaths were short and quick.

Everything around me soon came back as I was being stood next to Harry. One of the guards shoved me to the ground. I kneeled next to Harry.

Harry looked over at me. His eyes were puffy and red. He looked broken. All because of me. I looked straight ahead to see Amelia. Aka the Great Ones daughter. She had a lot of anger in her. She wants me dead.

"Alexis, you have been brought here on account of having a relationship with a human. Having humans know about your existence. Killing my father. Breaking the treaty between Werewolves and Vampires. Several things that all punishments are death."

"At lea-" a stake was plunged through my stomach. I chocked and looked down.

"Don't try your smart comments. I never liked you and I finally get to kill you." She said with a smile.

"Oh because I stole your precious little boy toy from you? Because he loved me and not you!"

Don't test me. Or I'll kill yours." She said filled with anger.

"Don't test me." Was all I said before I ripped apart the chains.

I broke one of the guards necks and the other attacked Amelia. As they fought I helped Harry out of the ropes he was in.

I heard a piercing sound and looked up to see a stake driven through Gabe's heart. His limp body fell to the ground. Harry stood up and got behind me.

"You're not getting away! That is not gonna happen!" She screamed.

"Run Harry." I whispered to him.

Harry ran straight for the doors but before he could make it out they opened. Niall, Liam, Louis, Jade, and Tina were standing there.

Amelia tackled me to the ground. She pinned me on the floor and shoved a stake through my chest.

"NO!" Harry screamed. Before anyone could do anything I shoved Amelia off of me and pinned her. I ripped the stake out and plunged it through her heart.

"My heart is on the right side bitch." I said. I walked over to Gabe and apologized to him because this wasn't the way it was supposed to happen.


Aye new chapter after like a year i stg i need to be active ~Ally

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