Chapter 5: The Guardian's creed.

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Michael's POV.

The barrier I jumped through didn't seem special in any way, except for the fact that it looked like a wall. But still, I couldn't help going through the barrier over and over again, just for the thrills.

"If you go through that veil again, I'll knock you out and drag you away!" I heard Ryuuki scream just as I was about to step through the barrier again.

"We don't have enough time on our hands boys! Let's move!" Delai said in her usual cheery tone, walking towards a door.

"Okay" I said walking towards the group, "at least they would be better than those wolves" I thought to myself.

"Ryuuki, try to be more competent though, I had to stop doing my stuff to come here" Delai said, her tone cheery yet stern.

"Sure! I'll just knock the kid out and drag him to Vivian next time!" Ryuuki shot back.

"Hmph, whatever, let's just get this over with" she replied.

"Hello Eddy, please could you open the doors? We have to take someone to Vivian" Delai said to a masked figure sitting at the doors.

"Oh Delai! Is that him?" the masked figure replied.

"Yup, its him! Take your mask off though, we don't want him thinking he's being lured into a cult or something" she replied.

"Nahhh, I have a cold, I can't take off the mask" the masked figure replied.

"I'm sorry to hear that! Get well soon! Fall in love right after! Now would you just open the doors?" Ryuuki replied in a sarcastic tone.

"So, he's still like this?" the masked figure said sighing at Delai.

"Unfortunately, he is" Delai replied.

The masked person replied with a sigh and hit a red button, letting the door open. "Take care then! Tell Vivian that gate duty is getting too boring for me!" the stranger called from behind us as we entered into a corridor with bright white lights leading towards an elevator.

On entering the elevator, "I don't think we should stop on the way to talk with Ritchie and the others, I think we should go to Vivian first, is that okay by you?" Delai asked Ryuuki, who responded with a nod. "Very well then, let's go" she said after pressing a button with "28" written on it

"Welcome to our secret base, Michael!" Delai said in a chirpy tone, as the elevator started moving upwards.

"Okay, but don't you think it would have been smarter for the base to be below the ground?" I asked Delai.

"That would have been a bad idea" Ryuuki cut in, surprisingly with a calm voice.

"Why is that?" I replied him.

"Well, if we were below ground, that would have taken a lot of maintenance, like patching leaks and all, we also needed a reliable base, that would be well hidden from the government." Ryuuki replied.

"Okay, that makes sense. But how did you people hide something of 28..." and then I realized it. The tall tree that towered the hut was the building, they had somehow managed to hide the building within it.

"Good, you were smart enough to figure it out" Ryuuki replied.

"Well, let's go see Vivian, I need to sleep" he announced leaving stepping out the elevator leading to the 28th floor.

"Hello Delai!" We suddenly heard behind us in the corridor.

"Why is she here!" I heard Ryuuki mutter to himself.

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