Chapter 11: Shadow Writer.

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It had been about a day since Redbridge saw Iya and she still couldn't stop thinking about everything that had happened. Maybe she could have thought a bit faster if she was pacing around, but that wasn't exactly possible in her "broken" state. So there Iya was, with her head upright, thinking about what even she wasn't sure of for almost a day.

A tiny part of Iya wanted to sleep, but a larger, more domineering part of her had no interest in sleep, it only wanted her to think, even though it knew there wasn't a valuable reason for her thinking.

Iya was thinking of the electromagnetic barrier, she thought if it was right for her to leave Dumbley without solving the mystery. She had made countless debates in the arena of her mind, trying to abolish the idea of staying in Dumbley, but as soon as one argument ended, another began with a voice (which unsurprisingly sounded like Delai) yelling "Go to the RMA, you are not a damn detective!".

"Miss, you need to sleep to get better, please sleep or I'll have to sedate you" the nurse said to Iya.

"Okay, I'll try to" Iya replied with a sigh

"Well, if it isn't our whale slayer here!" a new voice announced behind the nurse.

"Uhmmmm... It's not something I'm proud of though" Iya replied.

"That's a good sign!" the owner of the voice replied, stepping into the room. "I am Donald Duke, and it's an honour to be in the same room with you" a chubby man said extending his hands towards Iya.

Iya took a closer look at the man as she shook him, he was chubby man but what caught her eyes concerning him was his colorful clothing. Saying the man looked like a festival was an understatement, he was color. He wore a bright yellow hat, bright blue glasses, a shouty shade of red as his suit, a shouty green as his shirt, a purple-orange tie, cyan trousers, blue socks, with red shoes. The color combinations were even more visually disturbing as the sun shone on the man, making him "glow".

The nurse, noticing Iya's continuous blinking, drew the curtains close, calming the raging colors. "I will see you later miss Iya, try to be sleeping by then" the nurse said leaving the room.

"So, what brings you here? Mr Uhmmmm... Duke" Iya asked

"I am delighted you asked! And please call me Donald instead" Donald said, sitting on a chair beside Iya. "Have you by any chance heard of Shadow Writer?" Donald asked.

"Yeahhh, a friend of mine happens to love his books very much, but I have only read a few" Iya replied

"Well, I am actually shadow writer, and I need you help for a new book of mine" Donald said with the most pleading smile he could muster.

"Wow! The actual Shadow Writer! What can I do for you?" Iya said weakly, probably because she was a bit drowsy.

"I need to interview you, on your account of the Grimwhale contest, to write my book" Donald replied

"There are some things I do not want to share with anyone concerning what happened that day. So, I am sorry but I'll have to decline" Iya replied, with the same weak tone.

"Please Iya, give it some consideration, I think people need to know what happened that day, and it would make a splendid book, a bestseller in fact" Donald said with a pleading tone to his voice.

"What's in it for you? If you indeed write this book" Iya shot back

"Well, I believe people need to know what happened that day, I feel your willpower and hard work would go a long way to inspire them" Donald replied in a rehearsed tone.

"But why should I give you my account, why can't another writer write it?" Iya asked him.

"Because I believe that only me can bring that story to life, you have seen my work, you know I would ensure your account doesn't come out as a disjointed story, it would come out as a masterpiece" Donald replied.

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