Chapter 14: Project Bravestar II.

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"We were all orphans, so the government found it easy to take us to their containment facilities for the experiment. The experiment involved testing the subjects with the Bravestar serum, which induced certain abilities in certain people. But due to the fact that we were just guinea pigs for some super-soldier research, we were killed indiscriminately by the serum, dropping our numbers from 74 to a measly 14." Ryuuki said with a sigh.

"But the serum could only induce abilities according to one's attitude, so those of us with high attitudes got more abilities than those with lower attitudes, personalities were also found to induce the abilities, so they named us with numbers, according to our attitudes". Ryuuki said.

"So, Delai, number 4 got super strength, I, number 3 got Super speed and enhanced vision, Tom, number 9 can read minds, Myloe, number 12 got enhanced intelligence, Kimi, number 19 can turn invisible, Ella, number 24 has quick reflexes, Kiwa, number 1 had many abilities, but we only knew of speed, strength and enhanced intelligence, Ritchie, number 33 can basically smell things really well, Beckett, number 5 can camouflage, and he has super sensitivity, Redbridge, number 2 had enhanced strength, speed, intelligence and senses. All of us were called "successful" experiments because, well, we didn't die. But the most successful ones were Kiwa and Redbridge, they were so good that the organization intended to train them into agents and eliminate the rest of us. Then, Vivian came along" Ryuuki said turning towards Vivian.

"Vivian broke into the organization with the blinks of that time, she rescued us and then destroyed the remaining serums and traces on how to make them. Vivian also changed our names from numbers to actual names" Ryuuki said with a smile towards Vivian.

"And so, we decided to work with her, to protect the blinks that saved us" Ryuuki added.

"So, why is Redbridge not with you all again?" I asked.

"Well, on our escape, Redbridge refused to escape with us, he preferred to stay back and become an agent for the organization" Ryuuki said with a saddened tone.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I muttered.

"Yeahhh" Ryuuki said with a wave of his hand. "Right now, we are all too tired to do an introduction for you, but you'll get to know us the longer you stay here, so no running away, okay?" Ryuuki added.

"It's not like he can leave here though, he would be dead in seconds" Delai added.

"Thank you Delai, for reminding me of my imminent death" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"I have some questions though. Why did Delai not fake her death, and you guys are only 6 here, where are the rest?" I added.

"Well, you are kinda new here so you won't know this, but a plasma bomb isn't enough to kill Delai, so faking her death would have ruined your cover" Ryuuki said. "And uhhhh... The other two are Beckett and Kiwa. Beckett is on a mission now, but Kiwa died a year ago. "Ryuuki added in a sad tone.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I muttered.

"Don't be! It's all good! Just help us protect you, okay?" Ryuuki replied with a wave.

"I hope you understand now that we care about your well-being, so please, let us help you, okay?" Vivian added with a smile

"Okay, I'll try" I said with a weak smile.

"Then allow me to be the first person to officially welcome you to the Guardian's creed" Vivian said, extending her hand towards me.

"Thank you" I said with a much brighter smile, shaking her hand.

"Now that you are one of us, I am assigning Ryuuki to you as your personal guardian. Delai brilliantly suggested earlier that we make the two of you roommates to strengthen your bond, so I am doing just that" Vivian added with a proud smile.

Wide eyed, I turned towards Ryuuki who was already dragging a pillow away with him.

"This cannot end well" I thought, following Ryuuki to his room.






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