Floor 75: The Gleam Eyes

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After days of grinding our levels and making our way to the first level of the 75th floor we finally found the entrance of the dungeon.

Naofumi: Looks like this is definitely it, what do you guys think?

Filo: Filo was expecting a torn down cave or something but this looks like a nice change of pace.

Raphtalia: It certainly looks like a dungeon alright. Though we aren't the first party to have come here.

Silica: This place reminds me of a haunted house, I hope nothing pops up behind us while we are in there.

Strea: Haunted or not spectral enemies do exist in the game, but its not like they can turn invisible so you should be ok.

Naofumi: Well what ever the case the quicker we kill those monsters the faster we will be able to catch up with the front line guys.

Raphtalia: Right lets go everyone I'll cast light magic to lighten the path.

Strea: I'll keep you posted on enemies and map data while you are exploring so you don't go in circles.

Naofumi: Thanks, also you have been staying in my shield for a while now. I imagined you would want to come out by now.

Strea: If I'm being completely honest here the reason is that this dungeon is very narrow even if I was out and about I feel like a bigger party would detriment our team work. Besides I feel like I'm really getting used to being in you're shield. Not to mention I can sort of keep you stable if you are to use the cursed shield series.

Naofumi: That makes sense, I guess its just the four of us then.

Filo: I wonder what kind of monsters we will find.

Raphtalia: Remember Filo don't turn into you're Filolial form.

Filo: I know, I cant fly in here anyways so there's no point.

Silica: I expected the place to be crawling with monsters but we haven't seen many of em to begin with.

Naofumi: probably because theres a party ahead of us right now.

Strea: Yeah that seems to be the case, even though the monster spawn rate is increased there seems to be someone ahead of us.

Silica: If thats the case we should hurry and see who it is.

Naofumi: Looks like thats our only option.

After running through the dungeon we managed to catch up to the culprits.

Klein: Kirito, don't think you're getting of the hook that easily you sly dog.

Kirito: I already told you its a misunderstanding.

Naofumi: I see you two are getting along as always.

Klein: Naofumi? What brings you here today?

Kirito: Yeah it feels like its been ages since we last saw you.

Naofumi: Yeah, its been a while hasn't it....

Asuna: Anyways Im glad to see everyone is ok.

Kirito: Listen Naofumi about what happened at the LC raid I...

Naofumi: Its ok Kirito, I know it wasn't you guys who leaked the information. I actually found out where the culprit might be hiding.

Klein: Wait what? Are you for real?

Kirito: If you know who it is, then this could be big for us.

Asuna: Yeah that means we can crack down on who was behind it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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