Dangerous Meeting

921 23 1

Floor 35: Sub Dungeon- Forest of Wandering

Raphtalia: Are you sure that rare herb is in this forest Naofumi-Sama?

Naofumi: Well according to Argo's intel it should be at the heart of the forest.

Filo: I wish we had our wagon, I miss taking you guys from place to place.

Naofumi: Once this is over and we go back to our, I'll buy a new one ok.

Filo: That would be great, thank you Master thank you. (Hugs Naofumi)

Raphtalia: I wander why its called the "Forest of Wandering".

Naofumi: Probably because its really easy to get lost, it actually reminds me of a game I played when I little.

Raphtalia: What was the game about?

Naofumi: It was basically about a hero chosen by the gods trying to save the world from evil. Anyways he enters a forest called the Lost Woods and gets lost. After wondering the forest he meets someone that helps him get through the woods.

Filo: Do you think we will meet someone that will helps find the herbs we are looking for?

Naofumi: I wouldn't count on it, if anything we will find monsters lurking around.

Raphtalia: Master there's someone fighting up ahead.

Naofumi: Lets go someone could be in trouble. (Runs towards the fight)

Filo: I see people arguing Master.

Naofumi: Lets watch from a distance.(hides behind tree)

Raphtalia: That girl seems to be leaving their party.

Naofumi: This is a dangerous floor to be going alone.

Filo: Look she has a little pet, looks yummy. (Starts drooling)

Naofumi: Don't even think about it Filo.

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama..

Naofumi: Yeah I know, lets keep an eye out for her make sure she gets out safe.

Raphtalia: Why do you think she left her party?( starts tailing the girl)

Naofumi: Items, Exp, roles, even party status could be the reason, judging by the interaction she was probably fed up with one of the party members.

Filo: Its a good thing we are nothing like that.

Raphtalia: Naofumi-Sama she's getting attacked by monsters.

Naofumi: Air Strike Shield! (Transparent shield protects the girl) Filo, Raphtalia go help her

Filo: High Quick! (Rushes to the girl and her dragon)

Raphtalia: Its ok leave em to us. Vertica Slant! (Finishes killing of two monsters)

Naofumi: Hey you guys alright.

???: Pina hang in there, you can't leave me alone. (Dragon shatters into small pieces) PINA!!!

Raphtalia: Looks like we were too late to save ur friend, I'm sorry.

Naofumi: Im sorry we couldn't protect you're friend, are you ok. (Kneels down to her size)

???: Its ok I know you guys did you're best. (Holds a feather in her hands)

Naofumi: My name is Naofumi, and these are my friends Raphtalia, and Filo.

Silica: My name is Silica, thank you for helping me.

Raphtalia: This forest is dangerous, you shouldn't go at it alone. (Helps Silica up)

Silica: I don't have a choice, I don't have a guild or party, and now I don't have Pina either.

Naofumi: Hey whats that feather you got there?

Silica: This is whats left of Pina.

Naofumi: Check if it has a name attached to it.

Silica:(touches the feather icon, "Pina's Heart")
Yeah it does!

Raphtalia: What does that mean?

Naofumi: It means we still have a chance to bring Pina back.

Silica: Really? You mean it?

Naofumi: Yeah I hear theres a hill on floor 47 called "The Hill of Memories".

Kirito: You have to leave here now, member of a player killing guild are coming.

Naofumi: Kirito, where have you been this whole time.

Kirito: Now is not the time we have fo move, I'll explain everything later.

Floor 47 Settlement Floria (Flower Garden)

Raphtalia: I love coming here, its so peaceful.

Naofumi: I wonder what was up with Kirito, he seamed really on edge.

Filo: Master before we left I could sense other players rushing toward where we were.

Naofumi: They could of been PK players. We should be careful.

Silica: Uhhmm are we going to be ok.

Naofumi: Yeah sorry to drag you into this Silica, I promise we will help you get back your friend.

Silica: Thank you for the help I'm sure Pina would be happy too.

We need to be careful, who ever Kirito was warning us about must be after the rare item the "Pneuma Flower" which means they are after Silica. If push comes to shove I'll probably have to rely on the Rage Shield again.

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