A Promise Made

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Floor:56 Pani Village

Kirito: Hey Naofumi, where have u been all this time?

Naofumi: Hey Kirito long time no see.

Kirito: Come on don't ignore me, I know you have been training ever since I last saw you in the forest.

Naofumi: Well we did have a new member join our guild so we had to get her to a higher level and give her some pointers in battle.

Kirito: Say are you here for the meeting?

Naofumi: Yeah, this has been what the third time they tried to kill the boss?

Kirito: Yeah I hear Asuna is in charge of todays meeting.

Naofumi: Thats weird, why isn't Heathcliff doing it?

Thats rare to have him not be in a meeting, maybe he just wants a briefing from Asuna, or maybe he didn't bother showing up because he realized it's pointless.

Kirito: Do you have any bright ideas on how to beat this thing?

Naofumi: Not really, we can't attack it front because of the bosses impenetrable armor, and we can't attack it from the sides either. The only way to beat this thing would probably be if we attack from below since his armor doesn't cover its stomach.

Kirito: Now that sounds interesting, think they will go for that?

The problem isn't if they try to do it, the problem now lies in how we will be able to do it, tipping off that monster seems impossible as well.

Naofumi: Hey I've been meaning to ask, have you heard anything about the other heroes?

Kirito: Yeah and by the sounds of it they aren't making any progress. They refuse to team up with anyone but themselves and sometimes steal other people's kills and EXP, I hear that they are planing on attending the meeting as well.

Naofumi: Seriously those guys are idiots, I cant wait to hear how they plan on participating in this fight with the level difference.

Agil: Hey there, you two!

Naofumi: Agil, it's been a while.

Kirito: Yeah, I thought you would stick to making weapons instead of helping clear floors.

Agil: Hey now that don't mean I cant get the job done.

Naofumi: Hahahah settle down you two, hey Agil did you by chance finished making that shield I requested?

Agil: Who do you think I am, you know you can trust me. (takes out shield from inventory)

Naofumi: Wow it looks better than what I imagined. (Chain shield+4; adds a chain to multiple air strike shields 2 or more)

Agil: I don't know how you plan to use that but I know if anyone can bring out its true potential its you.

Kirito: I still can't believe that you are the only one who can use a shield as a weapon. Did you know people have started to equip themselves with shields and try to unlock skills for it, its hilarious.

Naofumi: Come on, you know I'm not using it because I want to.

Agil: Its still a mystery of what's going to happen to you guys once this game is over, not to mention the rest of us players.

Naofumi: My guess is that you guys will return to your reality, and as for me and my friends we will probably go back to the world we came from.

Kirito: If I remember correctly you were sent from your world to a different one by reading a mysterious book right!

Agil: I've never heard that, what's the story?

Kirito: Well as it turns out...

Sometime later~

Agil: Wow that must have been hard to have gone through all that mess, not to mention that you are still going back to that place once this is over.

Kirito: Naofumi, What year was it that you got dragged into that world?

Naofumi: 2015, there is no way I can forget.

Kirito/Agil: 2015!!!

Naofumi: Yeah what' the matter?

Kirito: W..well its just that you have been here for two years, not to mention seven in the other world its hard to imagine how you are going to revert back to that.

Agil: Yeah, I can't Imagine living that long without seeing my wife.

Naofumi: What are you guys talking I was only in that world for about a year before coming here.

Kirito: Wait what year do you think it is right now?

Naofumi: It's 2018, what's with the question?

Agil: 2018? Its 2024 Naofumi did you forget?

Naofumi: Come on guys what with the joke, you expect me to believe I've traveled to the future?

Kirito: I think you might have, either that or you are in a different universe.

Naofumi: Well since I was transported to another world where magic and game logic exists that wouldn't be so far of the mark.

Agil: It is amazing how you can keep a straight face while hearing all this stuff.

Naofumi: Hey look at it this way, if I ever make it back to my own world and the game Sword Art Online comes out in the year 2022 I'll buy it and help you guys beat this game again.

Kirito: Except we haven't beat the game yet though.

Naofumi: It's a small detail, I'm sure we will beat this game. We have to, everyone is counting on us.

Agil: That's right, not to mention we have the Shield Hero and the Black Swordsman on our side.

Naofumi: Black Swordsman huh.

Kirito: Shield Hero huh.

Naofumi/Kirito: HAHAHAahhaha

I don't know if my world is connected to theirs in the slightest but if there is any chance that it is, I honestly wouldn't mind meeting them on the other side. Now I have more people who believe in me its not just Raphtalia, Filo, Silica, Kirito, and Agil, but every other player that wishes they could just go home to their loved ones. They were all put in the same situation I was when I was summoned to Melromarc. I have to find a way to beat the boss, for everyone's sake.

The Rising Of The Shield Hero~X~Sword Art Online (Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now