Bad Plan, Bad Stance

706 23 2

Floor 56 Strategy Meeting

Asuna: Alright everyone its time to begin the meeting everyone settled down. As you all know we have been unsuccessful in figuring out a way to deal with the boss in that narrow path in the valley making it impossible for us to flank the boss from both sides.

Agil: Is there a possibility that we can lure the boss out of the valley?

Asuna: We have tried that but its impossible unless a lot of us use a skill to get its attention.

Klein: Can't we just attack it from the top?

Asuna: The boss has a thick layer of armor throughout his body, it's impossible to break it.

Naofumi: Then it seems like we really can't beat this huh.

As soon as I said that the whole room turn from whispers into nothing. I'm not surprised, this boss is really something. I wish Raphtalia, Filo, and Silica where here. Maybe they could have some ideas as to how to beat the boss.(They are gathering supplies for the fight)

Asuna: We will lure it out into the village, thats how we will be able to flank it and kill it. While the boss is distracted killing the NPC's we will surround the boss and try to take it out.

Kirito: You can't just let it kill the NPCs.

Asuna: What you think they are alive? If we don't do this we won't be able to beat the boss. They are just objects they will respawn, we don't.

Naofumi: I'm with Kirito on this one that doesn't seem right.

Asuna: I am in charge here, you guys will follow my orders like it or not.

Naofumi: Come on Kirito theres no use talking to someone like that.

Kirito: Right....

Even if the villagers are NPCs I cant just let that boss kill em that would not look good for my guild.

Naofumi: Hey Kirito could you help me with something?

Kirito: Let me guess, you want to take on the boss before they have a chance to fight it tomorrow right.

Naofumi: Then we have nothing to discuss except getting people to help us fight it, do you know of anyone who might want to help us?

Kirito: I may have one or two guilds that may want to help us.

Naofumi: Thanks kirito you're a life saver.

Kirito: We are friends right, don't worry about it. (Shakes Naofumi's hand)

Filo: (Runs towards Naofumi) Master! We got all the things you asked for.

Silica: Not only that but we upgraded our gear too.

Kirito: Wow you seem so full of energy now then when I last saw you. (Pats Silicas head)

Raphtalia: Thats because shes been giving it her all during training, you should see how fast she can move now.

Silica: Come one you guys.

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