The Tale of The Dragon 2

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After receiving the quest we went to the other Heroes and they never got a quest about "The Tale of The Dragon". Seems the quest is only available to us, but have no idea what we were supposed to do till we entered the town on floor 63.

                *The Tale of The Dragon- Quest Start*

Raphtalia: Naofumi the quest activated!

Naofumi: Yeah seems like there's something we need to do in this town.

Filo: Im hungry can we please stop somewhere?

Silica: Well how about you and I go grab something to eat?

Naofumi: Filo you are always hungry, where does all the food you eat even go?

Raphtalia: It would be best if we split up and look for clues about the quest.

Silica: Ok me and Filo will be on the west side of town and you guys check the east. We can meet up at the central square in about 3 hours or so.

Naofumi: Alright just make sure Filo doesn't waste all her money on food.

Raphtalia: Be careful you guys.

Filo: Filo can handle herself just fine. Plus Silica is with me, we are an unstoppable team.

Silica: Come on Filo we have a lot of ground to cover.

We both split up and went our separate ways trying to discover what the quest was all about. Hopefully we can get some sort of clue, there really isn't much to go off on.

Raphtalia: Seems like we are finally able to have some alone time.

Naofumi: Y..yeah its been a while hasn't it.

Now that I think about we really haven't done anything since we defeated the GeoCrawler. I have zero experience in how to go about our relationship. Growing up I've only been on one relationship and it didn't last long. Raphtalia is different though, I really care for her, hopefully we can reach the last floor and get everyone to go back to the real world. The real world huh, I wonder if I'll be able to go back home one day.

Raphtalia: Say Naofumi, W-what do you think about me?

Naofumi: Huh, what do you mean?

Raphtalia: You know, like as a person.

Naofumi: Well ur really hard working, you never give up and are always looking out for everyone in the party. You're the only reason i didn't turn my back on the world, if it wasn't for you I'm sure I would have tried to destroy the kingdom and kill that trash king.

Raphtalia: Its not like that, I'm sure that even without me you would have been fine.

Naofumi: I'm not sure about that, but I really love having you to watch my back.

Raphtalia: I-I love you too, and I'll always be there with you.

Having to come here I thought it was a nuisance but I'm starting to think coming here has changed me. After walking for a while my enemy detection starts going off.

Naofumi: I'm picking up something near us.

Raphtalia: Yeah me too, is it a monster.

Naofumi: Idk but what ever it is its gone.

Raphtalia: Do you know where it could have gone? Im sure its probably still around.

Naofumi: I sensed it behind us, it was faint but I know it was there.

Raphtalia: Is it dangerous?

Naofumi: No I don't sense any intent to kill or any type of hostility.

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