"The Cardinal Shield"

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Naofumi: This place almost seems like a wonderland now that i think about it.

Filo: Whats a wonderland?

Silica: It's like a dream like place.( gets excited)

Raphtalia: Where is this place where we are supposed to go?

Naofumi: Well I hear you need to follow the path going east of the teleport gate.

Silica: Its places like these that kinda make it hard to believe that we are all inside this death game.

Naofumi: Don't worry I'll make sure you guys make it back home. ("There's no way I'm dying here, not after all we have been through")

Silica: Thank Mr. Naofumi. (Gets all shy)

Naofumi: Just call me Naofumi, anyways, we should get going I'm sure you are dying to see your friend.

Silica: Thank you....Naofumi.(blushes)

Filo: Not fair, we have only just meet and you already started flirting with her master.(pouts)

Naofumi: I wasn't flirting.

Filo: Was so, it sure looked like it didn't Raphtalia?

Raphtalia: I...uh..hmm.

Silica: Naofumi... was......fli..flirting.

Naofumi: Filo you get no dinner today.

Filo: Not fair, I didn't do anything.(pouts)

                         ~Some time later~

Silica: There seems to be only plant monsters here.

Raphtalia: Well this is a flower field dungeon.

Silica: How do you guys know each other by the way?

Filo: We are master's slaves.

Naofumi: Shut up Filo. (Puts hand over Filo's mouth) Sh..She's kidding right Filo haha..hahahah.

Silica: No seriously how do you guys know each other.

Raphtalia: Well I meet Naofumi-Sama when I was in danger and close to dying. He gave me food, clothes, and a reason to live and fight, I don't know what i would of become of me if I hadn't meet him.

Silica: Wow that sounds so cool. (Eyes sparkle) *o*

Filo: I've known master ever since I can remember, I don't remember a time when Master wasn't around.

Silica: Wow I didn't know you guys go way back, must be really nice to have someone you can rely on.

Filo: Don't you have someone like that in SAO?

Silica: Sadly no, i did make friends with someone but they all leave me for other players.

Naofumi: Then you can't really call the friends right?


Filo: If all you want is a friend, I would love to be friends with you and Pina.

Raphtalia: Yeah I would love to be friends with you and Pina too.

Silica: Really? Pina and I would love that.

Naofumi: Hey look I think the revival item is over there. (Points at a fountain looking thing)

Silica: PINA!!! (Runs towards the fountain)

Filo: (Transforms to a Filolial) Here I'll get us there faster.

Silica: BWWWHAA, Filo are you at tamed beast too?

Naofumi: Yeah.... She's something like that.

Raphtalia: Guess were here.

The Rising Of The Shield Hero~X~Sword Art Online (Fan Fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz