Journey To The Dragon's Lair

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We managed to to make it to the dungeon in floor 55 but its just as cold as I remember. Although we didn't explore much on this floor because of the harsh weather I didn't know there was still so much to discover. No mater how long it takes we need to find Lisbeth and Kirito fast.

Naofumi: Strea can you detect them from here?

Strea: No I cant, if they are here they must be far deep into the dungeon.

Asuna: Argo sent me the cordinates for where the item is said to be located.

Raphtalia: That could take us a whole day just to make it to the end of the map.

Asuna: They might not have another day we need to keep up the pace.

Strea: It is unwise to rush through this dungeon, many players have succumb to the weather here, not to mention the cold can restrict ones movements.

Naofumi: It will be alright i know we can reach them, we just need to remain calm.


Kirito: We need to save our energy for tomorrow, hopefully we can find a way out.

Lisbeth: I wonder if anyone even knows I'm gone.

Kirito: Don't worry we'll be able to get out this I promise.

Lisbeth: How can you know that, we are literally stuck in a whole.

Kirito: I know but theres no such thing as a trap with no exit.

Lisbeth: You have a point. Say Kirito how can u keep fighting without ever loosing hope. Guess what I'm asking is how can you be so strong and keep fighting? I was never got used to the fighting monsters thing, thats why I decided to become a Blacksmith. So I wouldn't have to fight monsters anymore.

Kirito: I don't think I'm strong, not really anyway. Trust me I'm just as scared as you are. Every day I fight and give it my all. I don't think you're weak, if anything you are helping players every day get one step closer to beating this game. You may not think it but you play a huge role in us clearing this game, we need you Liz.

Lisbeth: Is that why you saved me when I was falling down.

Kirito: No... I just can't sit back and watch someone die, I would rather die with them than do nothing. Especially if that someone is a good person like you Liz.

Lisbeth: Wow you really are an idiot, theres not many people who think like that. Hey Kirito....can I hold you're hand?

Kirito: Yeah ok.

Lisbeth: Its funny even though we are just a bunch of ones and zeros, I can still feel the warmth of you're hand.

                                   ~Next day~

Naofumi: Looks like we are almost there you guys.

Strea: According to Argos info the item is said to come from the dragon that lives in this area.

Asuna: We need to look for Lisbeth and Kirito not the dragon.

Raphtalia: I know how you feel asuna but if we find the dragon it might lead us to where they are since they did come looking for that item.

Silica: Actually Pina has an ability to sense areas, maybe we can use it to see if she can find them or the dragon.

Naofumi: Thats a good idea, so where to Pina?

Pina: Gokyu Kyuu...

Silica: She says she senses something over there.

Asuna: Lets go!

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