Corner Into Despare

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Today we found out the hideout of Laughing Coffin, one of the most dangerous guilds in the whole game. Just like Titans Hand, they are a murder guild that focuses on killing other players. In just a couple of days me and a bunch of other players are planning an all out attack to catch most of them and take them to jail, but I'm certain that some of us will die or kill someone, that includes me and and Raphtalia.

Naofumi: Guy's we need to talk about the raid we are doing to take down Laughing Coffin.

Raphtalia: Is there a problem Naofumi?

Filo: You already know we are going to kick major but.

Silica: Yeah, we have been preparing for this for weeks.

Naofumi: Im thinking....of going alone...

Raphtalia: Theres no way I'm going to stay here while you go out there risking you're life.

Filo: Yeah we are suppose to be a team.

Silica: Do you not trust us?

Naofumi: Its not that, its just that....we are going into battle and we might have to kill someone. I don't want to put you guys through that specially you Silica.

Silica: I'm sorry but I can't stay where its safe and wait for you to come back.

Filo: Silica is right we are a team, and where ever you go I'll follow.

Raphtalia: Did you forget, I am your sword no matter where you go I'll fight for you. We all have our reasons for going, so you can't expect us to go where it's safe and expect us to wait to see if you return.

Naofumi: It's just that I don't want to lose you guys or have u guys actually kill someone. If it goes south and they don't surrender we might be pushed to kill someone wether they want to or not.

Raphtalia: Naofumi, (holds Naofumi) theres no way I'm letting the person I fell in-love with go alone to a place where he might die. Im sure if you were in my position you would do the same for me.

Naofumi: R-Raphtalia...

Silica: I'm not the girl I used to be when we first started this game. I'm really thankful I meet you Naofumi, if I hadn't I never would have been good friends with you all. I also would have stayed a scared little girl and would have died in a dungeon a long time ago.

Filo: You're like a father to me, you have taken care of me ever since I was born. I am eternally grateful and will do anything for you.

Raphtalia: We are a team, lets do this together, whatever the battle ahead of us may bring we will deal with it together.

Naofumi: I see, looks like i was worried for nothing. You all have changed and gotten so much stronger that I hadn't noticed.

Strea: Don't forget I'll be monitoring and providing info from inside your shield so leave the strategic and shield switching to me.

Naofumi: Right. Lets go meet up with Kirito and the others.

Everyone who was briefed about the raid was present and were starting to form parties as if we were taking on a boss battle. I looked over and noticed Kirito, Agil, and Asuna had already formed their party.

Kirito: Hey! So you decided to come too huh.

Asuna: Seems like a lot of people from the front lines have come here. Can't blame em everyone here wants to stop Laughing Coffin from killing anyone else.

Naofumi: I see you guys are all ready to go.

Agil: Yeah, can you believe it took weeks to find this place.

Kirito: This is Laughing Coffin we are talking about. They sure as hell weren't going to make it easy.

Silica: We are all prepared for this fight, let us protect everyone and make sure we all make it out ok.

Naofumi: HERE THEY COME!!!

It wasn't long enough till the whole room got quiet and then the room was filled with screams. Every night for a whole week I had nightmares. Everyone in our party got out ok but we still lost 7 players that day. I killed 3 other players and detained 2, Silica was also forced to kill players as well as Raphtalia, Kirito, and the others. I tried my best but I still wasn't strong enough to protect everyone. How long is everyone here going to last. I hope I can protect everyone and get them home safely, maybe I'm crazy but I'm sure I'll miss this world and everyone I've meet once we finish this game.

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