Naofumi Vs The Cardinal Heroes

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Its always been like this.

Motayasu: We are going to show you what true heroes can do.

They always look down on me just because of I'm the Shield hero.

Itsuki: Give it up Naofumi, theres no way you can take all three of us.

My friends have taught me that even someone like me the Shield hero, can fight and protect those I hold dear.

Ren: Here we come Naofumi.

It's because of my friends that I can stand here today and fight, Its now or never.

Naofumi: Shield Prison! (Traps Itsuki)

Long range attacks will be a pain so someone has to help break Itsuki free which makes this a one on one.

Itsuki: Damn he got me, you guys help me out.

Ren: Motayasu, get him out of there.

Motayasu: Damn, alright cover me.

All according to plan, now sapp Ren's stamina and mana. (Switched to Soul Eater Shield and charges in)

Ren: Here he comes!

Motayasu: This thing isn't budging.

Ren: Crimson Blade! (Boosts attack)

Naofumi: That won't work. (Blocks all attacks with Soul Eater Shield)

Motayasu: What!

Ren: Its like he didn't even flinch.(Notices hes a bit tiered)

Naofumi: Is that all you have? Cuz I'm still not done, Chain Shield!

Motayasu: Now he's going into the offensive.

Naofumi: Chain Trap! (Chains come out of the ground and hold down Motayasu)

Motayasu: What is this? Let me go.

Naofumi: Chain Reaction! (ElectrocutesMotayasu)

Ren: You won't get away with this.

Naofumi: The moment Itsuki got trapped you all lost.

Ren: Itsuki try busting out of there.

Itsuki: Its no use he out levels me so the prison wont break.

Naofumi: Give it up you guys you lost.

Kirito: I never knew he could do all that with just a shield.

Agil: He coordinates his attacks in such a way that it makes 3 on 1 battles seem easy.

Ren: As long as I'm still standing I still have a chance.

Naofumi: Fool, (Switched to Lords Shield) Lords Shout! (Stuns Ren)

Ren: I can't move.

Naofumi: (Chimera Viper Shield) Snake Bite!

Ren: These tricks aren't enough to beat me.

Naofumi: Then maybe you will if someones life is on the like.

Ren: What are you...

Naofumi: Rage Shield! Even you can figure out what comes next right? Stand down and admit defeat.

Ren: I can't, Itsuki and Motayasu are expecting me to save em.

Naofumi: This is why I hate you all. Change Shield! (Needles pierce Itsuki's body). You have seen me use this skill before now stand down.

Itsuki: Ahhhhhh Ren! Ughhh its ok just admit that he won.

Motayasu: Ren we can't let Itsuki die.

Myne: Sir Motayasu.

Kirito: Hold it right there. You aren't allowed to interfere.

Myne: If we don't do anything he's going to kill the 3 heroes!

Kirito: No he won't, all Ren has to do is admit that he lost.

Naofumi: Do you really want to have Itsuki's death on your hands.

Ren: is it that you are so strong even against the 3 of us.

Naofumi: It's because you all tossed me aside that I had to get stronger. While you guys were playing friends I was on the fields training and getting more skills.

Ren: I see so thats what made you even stronger. Alright Naofumi, you win.

And with that I has beaten all the three heroes. I was never going to kill Itsuki, if he'd chose to keep going I would have came up with something else to force him to give up.

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama!

Naofumi: Hey are you guys ok?

Raphtalia: Its us who were worried about you, you took on all the heroes by yourself, what were you thinking?

Naofumi: I'm sorry if I worried you guys.(pats Raphtalia)

Ren: Hey Naofumi.

Naofumi: Yeah whats up.

Ren: Im going to aim to get stronger, when that happens i hope you will take my challenge.

Naofumi: Yeah, but I wont go easy on you.

Ren: I look forward to it. (Walks away)

Myne: Are you alright Sir Motayasu?

Motayasu: Yeah its no big deal.

Itsuki: Naofumi!

Naofumi: Sorry Itsuki, I wasn't really going to kill you, I was just pressuring Ren.

Itsuki: I'll let you get away with it for now, but I still don't like you.

Naofumi: That's alright I didn't expect you to.

Kirito: Naofumi that was amazing, its like you knew exactly how they would react.

Naofumi: They aren't good at teaming up with others, so I used that to my advantage.

Agil: That fight got everyone pumped up for the boss fight so our morale is through the roof.

Naofumi: Listen everyone. I'm not much of a leader but I promise that we will take this thing down and I promise my party will help those who need it.

This is probably the first time that a lot of people are cheering for me, its a weird but good feeling. Now the real challenge begins.

Naofumi: Everyone grab your things, we are moving out to the boss.

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