The Cardinal Heroes

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Naofumi: Come on you guys we are supposed to meet Kirito and the other heroes in Agil's shop.

Raphtalia: Even after all that happened, I still can't believe you would help them.

Filo: Yeah Usually master would be like, ehhh now why should i help you guys. Or something like that.

Naofumi: If we are to beat this game we can imagine more waves to show up the higher we progress through the game, as to why theres waves here is still a mystery.

It is most certain that they are here because I'm here, but if thats so why wasn't the other heroes teleported at the beginning when this whole mess went down.

Naofumi: He Agil. (Door bell rings)

Agil: Naofumi, please come inside. The others are waiting.

Naofumi: Good now lets go have a chat with them.(Opens door to a room meeting)

Motayasu: So you finally showed up.

Itsuki: I still can't believe we agreed to do this.

Ren: Well noticing how he's the only one with the info we might as well hear him out.

Kirito: Im still curious about all that happened, and why they were monsters in a safe zone.

Naofumi: Agil please close the door behind you. Now I feel like I should explain things to Kirito first, as to who we are.

Kirito: What do you mean?

Naofumi: We are not from this world Kirito, all four of us Ren, Itsuki, and Motayasu, are heroes that were summoned to another world to defeat monsters in whats called a Wave.

Kirito: You are all from another world?

Motayasu: Yeah what are you talking about this is just another town in Melromarc.

Naofumi: No we are in another world, if you would all raise you arm and slightly stoke you will notice a game menu pop up. (Hey all try it)

Ren: He's right there is a menu here.

Itsuki: It says I'm level one on here.

Motayasu: Yeah same here.

Naofumi: As I was saying Kirito, we are known as "The Four Cardinal Heroes" which is weird because this castles system is called Cardinal as well.

Kirito: Sorry its kinda hard to take in.

Agil: Yeah it is, which reminds me I've never seen you use anything but that shield are you...

Naofumi: Thats right, I'm the Shield Hero I can only use a shield.

Kirito: Then judging by the others they must be the Sword, Lance and Bow heroes.

Naofumi: Thats right we fight to stop "The Waves Of Calamity". I still don't know why we were brought here but apparently waves can appear here in this world too. Meaning that the waves follow the heroes.

Ren: I see so we must get stronger in this world as well as fast as possible.

Itsuki: Then I see no reason to stay here wasting time any longer.

Naofumi: Hey settle down I'm still not done. We need to make sure that no one gets hurt while the waves come.

Myne: Protecting the people and the town should be your job shield hero. Sir Motayasu I recommend heading out right away.

Motayasu: Thats right, plus you are probably the one that got us into this mess. Im out of here, I have no reason to waste my time here.

Itsuki: Yeah I need to grind for the next wave, see ya.

Ren: They are right we need to get stronger if we are going to beat the next wave. (They all leave)

Kirito: Was it ok to let them go with no information on how to grind?

Naofumi: They are idiots but when it comes to games they seem to know pretty much everything, I'm sure they will be ok.

Kirito: What are we supposed to do when these Waves come?

Naofumi: All we can do is spread the word and warn players, I'll give the info to a trusted info broker I know to pass the word around. Agil can I count on you to warn every player that comes to your shop?

Agil: Sure I'll want em and tell them to head towards the dungeons of the floor, they will be safer there than in town where its no longer safe.

Raphtalia: Agil you sort of remind me on this other shop keeper we know from the world we come from, you are always so stern and nice.

Agil: Well thanks he must be a good looking guy like me hahaha.

Filo: What are we going to do now Master?

Naofumi: It would be a big help if we can update the guide book to tell players about what happens and what to do when the wave starts, but for that we are going to need money. Come on you guys we are headed to the 30th floor.

If all goes to plan we can prevent weaker players from dying during the waves, I'm sure we had some casualties during that wave noticing how we were in the news papers this morning everyone is going be looking at us. This could bring allies or enemies alike we need to be careful while moving forward, things will start to get more difficult. The monsters, the bosses, and even the waves will get tougher. Not to mention we have to deal with Glass now during the wave. Just what are the Waves, why am I the only capable hero, and why don't those idiots realize that this isn't a game, if we die in the game we die in real life. I have to do everything in my power to get stronger and defend my friends, I don't need a weapon all I this shield.

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