Illfang The Kobold Lord And The Cheaters

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Its finally morning, time to go meet up everyone and get the first boss out of the way. My main priority will be to protect Raphtalia and Filo, Kirito and Asuna come next. At the very least we know what we are dealing with, maybe I should have said something at the meeting yesterday but that cant be helped now. Hope no one dies and we can truly call this a victory and a step forward in the right direction.

Raphtalia: Naofumi-Sama we are ready when you are.( Stands next to Filo)

Naofumi: Alright, Kirito and Asuna should be up ahead. Remember we protect ourselves first then other people in our party.

Raphtalia/Filo: Got it! (Follow behind)

Kirito: Hey there Naofumi, did you read my message? (Smiles and waves)

Naofumi: Yeah don't worry Ill protect you when I can.

Kirito: Ok, oh I forgot to mention this to you Asuna but me and Naofumi will block the Ruin Kobold Sentinals attacks and Raphtalia, Filo, and you will switch in to attack.

Asuna: Whats a switch?

Naofumi: This is why I specified you let her in on everything.

Kirito: I didn't know she wouldn't know about switching. (Starts explaining to Asuna how switching works)

A lot of players showed up today, thats good if all goes well we should be done rather quickly. I still can't shake that feeling that someone is going to die in this battle. One things for sure, no way in hell is my party dying.

Dungeon level 20 floor 1

Diavel: Listen up everyone I only have one thing to say, Lets win.

Looks like this is it, no turning back, we have been preparing ourselves for this battle for quite a while, I know we can do this. As everyone charges in we can see two red glowing eyes. Thats him Illfang the Kobold Lord. Quickly everyone starts getting into formation as Illfang and his sentinels are rushing the front groups.

Naofumi: Come on Kirito here they come. (Uses Bulls charge to stun enemy)

Kirito: Im right there with you. (Uses Vertical Arc)

Naofumi/Kirito: Hyaaaaaaaa!! SWITCH!

Asuna and Raphtalia charge the sentinel while Filo increases their speed and evasion.

Naofumi: Now Filo finish him off!

Filo:Seiiiiii! Soreeee!(jumps in the air and slashes the enemies head off.

Naofumi: They are going to keep spawning so wee need to defeat and earn as much XP as we can before the boss is taken out.

Everyone: Alright!

If this keeps up we might be able to level up twice. I glance over at the boss and noticed 1/4 of his HP bars has been drained. Looks like I was wrong about them being under level. As the battle continues its getting harder and harder to fight this is taking way too long. (Killed 10 enemies) I decided to take another looks at the boss and noticed he is on his last HP bar, just then Diavel rushed towards the Illfang. As a response Illfang switches from his Axe and shield to a Talwar.

Kirito: Diavel watch out hes not using a Nōdachi its a Talwar, this isn't like the Beta!

Naofumi[ Beta, whats he talking about, pre release]

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