The Wave Of Ronbaru

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Floor 27
Town: Ronbaru

Filo: I don't like this place its always so dark.(Grabs Raphtalia)

Naofumi: We are only here for materials to upgrade your Dragon Talons and Raphtalia's Razor Blade. Im sure you will live spending a day here.

Raphtalia: What about your gear.

Naofumi: I will be fine, you too are my main concern.

Its a good thing theres no class upgrades in this world. Things have been hard, not to mention everyone in the front lines knows who we are, we ran into some trouble and had to make a name for ourselves so I created a guild the guild "The Cardinal Shield". I created this guild so that people would take us more seriously.

Filo: Look Master someone is playing something! (Runs towards a young girl)

Yuna:(Stops playing) Hello, did you come to hear me play?

Filo: Yeah! It sounded amazing, don't you think so Raphtalia?(Sits on a crate next to the girl)

Raphtalia: Yeah it sounded really good. My name is Raphtalia, and this is Filo.

Yuna: Nice to meet you my name is Yuna. Btw who is he?

Filo: He's our Master.(Hugs Naofumi)

Yuna: Master?(Gets creeped out)

Naofumi: Yeah as in teacher, right guys.

Raphtalia/Filo: Right.

Naofumi: That instrument is that.....

Yuna: Yes its a Lute. (Holds instrument)

Naofumi: You wouldn't happen to be the Song Enchanter would you?

Yuna: Why yes I am, Is there something you need.

Naofumi: No, its just that you are quite famous you know.

Yuna: I am?(Surprised)

Naofumi: Yeah don't worry its a good thing, I hope. You give people hope and courage to keep doing what they are doing.

Yuna: Wow you really think so? (blushes)

Filo: Master you can't flirt with her. (Pouts)

Raphtalia: Now now Filo, Naofumi-Sama Is just telling her how her actions help influence other players. (Tries to hold the jealousy inside)

Naofumi: Anyways we best be going, it was good to meet you Yuna.

Yuna: Yeah same to you guys, hope we meet again soon.

Raphtalia: I never new the "Song Enchanter" would be so nice.

Filo: Yeah she was super nice.

It feels like its been forever since we have been here. Much longer than the time I spent in Melromarc, not only that but my wave timer hasn't activated all this time. I would like to think its over but since I still have that menu, I know that its far from over.

Kirito: Hey Naofumi! (Waves)

Naofumi: Hey Kirito, still alive I see.

Kirito: Yeah me and my guild have been hunting in lower floors, hopefully I can level them fast so they can join the frontlines.

Naofumi: Is that why I haven't seen you in boss meetings?

Kirito: Yeah I'm taking a break from the frontlines, I know I made a promise to finish this game but the more help we get the faster we can end this.

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