Chapter 39

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"We are very glad you were willing to move into the castle," Corinne said.

They were sitting in a smaller dining room than the one Aaron had shown her. Apparently the royal family had a few rooms they used privately – the parlour in which she had first met them, and a dining room. They never received guests in these rooms. Or at least that's what her maids had told her. It was another sign Jade was fast becoming part of their family.

"I understood why it is necessary," Jade said, which was the nicest way she could think to phrase it. She glanced at Aaron, who was sitting opposite her. He smiled at her and his happiness at having her so near him reminded her of why she had agreed to living in the dragon's den.

"I imagine it is all still strange and new to you," Corinne said. She was sitting at one head of the table, and Alder at the other.

Jade nodded. "Quite."

"I remember when I first got here. Safe to say I had some adjusting to do."

To Jade's enormous surprise, Alder snorted – snorted – a laugh at that statement. It made him seem so ordinarily normal that Jade didn't know how to look. There was the king, not three feet away from her, laughing and nearly choking on his wine.

"Why, I didn't even mean to be funny." Corinne cocked a brow at her mate. "Don't choke, dear. Aaron's not ready to be king."

Alder made a weak gesture with his hand. "My dear, I apologise. I have just never heard such an understatement."

Aaron chuckled and sipped from his wine, and it struck Jade that they were a family. It was a ridiculous thought. Of course they were a family. It just hadn't occurred to her that they could be so normal around each other. So unrestrained.

Corinne leant towards her a little, as if she was about to whisper a secret. "I wasn't exactly brought up at court. In fact, until I met Alder, I hardly knew what cutlery was." She waved her fork around a bit.

Jade frowned. "Really?"

"She was a rogue," Alder said. His blue eyes were sparkling. "She gave me a very hard time."

"What can I say? I was brought up in the wild, and I only met Alder because I got arrested and thrown in jail. It was actually not very much unlike how your sister met her mate. And let me tell you, I was none too eager to be here."

Jade's jaw dropped. She slammed it shut, blinking. "I had no idea."

"You and I have more in common than you might think." Corinne smiled. "I am glad for it. I'm not sure what I would have done if Aaron's mate had been one of those tidy ladies that are always scurrying around here. You know, those women whose only skills worth mention are curtsying and saying 'Yes, Your Highness', 'Thank you, Your Highness'."

"Corinne, mind your words, darling." Alder shook his head and shot Jade a glance. "Take no heed of her. She takes great pains holding back during the day, so all of her attitude comes out in the evenings."

Corinne chuckled, raising her glass to her lips. "And at night."

Heat rushed to Jade's cheeks. Whatever she had expected the queen to be like, this was not it. Corinne seemed so graceful and calm. Jade could never have guessed such a free spirit was hiding behind the fair façade.

"Mother, for the Goddess' sake." Aaron was blushing as well, shooting Jade an apologetic look.

"O, please. The girl's used to worse, I'm sure. She's a Shadow Walker, for crying out loud. You know, back when I was a rogue, your pack is the only one I ever considered joining."

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