One Way to Start Movie Night! (Three Caballeros x Reader)

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The Legend of the Three Caballeros
Three Caballeros x Reader
Gender Neutral!Reader

"There is a sleepy town we're all it takes to survive is belief in the impossible," a creepy narrator said as fog rolled over the lake and a single swimmer was in the water. Something swam under the water only traceable by the yellow glowing eyes and it got closer to the swimmer. "The only sign that they are around is the silence and their eyes."

A horrific swamp beast jumped out of the water, eating the girl. The boys screamed. José spilled the popcorn all over the living room and Panchito's nails sliced my arm open.

"Guys, we fight things worse than that daily," I laughed at their reactions to the trailer to the horror movie.

"That's the point, pollito. We know what kind of damage that thing could do," Jose explained, dusting popcorn off him onto Donald, who was sitting below us on the floor.

"Hey!" Donald threw the popcorn back at us. Panchito fastward past the rest of the trailer and to the movie's play screen.

"Other than the bad CGI what's his bad guy super power? Bad breath?" I laughed.

"No pateto," Panchito laughed. "Swamp monster are aterrorizanted! You should've been there when we fought one."

"When did we do that?" Donald seemed confused, but José kicked his arm. "Oh right! I remember now!"

"Si! It was terrifying! It was as big as the Cabana and ate everything in its path!" José nodded 

"Hmm, sounds made up!" I hummed.

"It was monstrous and it even ate Donald's hat," José laughed.

"That's not the only thing it tried to eat," Donald mumbled. I laughed and hugged him.

"Not you to, Donald! Who can I trust if you're all lying to me?" I asked dramatically.

"No fofo. It's true cross my heart," Panchito held up a hand and made a cross over his heart.

"Hummm okay."

"Uhhh, tipo," José pointed to a pair of floating, glowing eyes in the window.

We all screamed and Donald crawled into my lap, and José and Panchito grabbed my arms. The eyes moved and we could see it was Ari acting scary.

"Ari!" we yelled. Ari made a noise like a laugh and dashed away.

"That's one way to start movie night!" I laughed and snuggling into them more. "And we need to watch scary movies more often."

Donald blushed as I pulled him closer.

"Si!" José agreed, moved closer.

"No!" Panchito said, shaking.

Word Count: 436

Pollito - 'small chick' - cute, adorable or attractive
Tipo - guys

Pateto - silly, goofy
Fofo - softie
aterrorizanted - terrifying

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