Like A Penny! (Gladstone's & Donald's life)

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Ducktales AU
Scrooge's POV~ish
Gladstone's & Donald's - life

Gladstone and Donald never really knew how their luck worked. Gladstone never really thought about how lucky he was. Donald on the other hand was always aware of how unlucky he seemed to be but never really thought about why. Scrooge on the other hand spent every moment since they hatched trying to connect the dots.

It started when Gladstone hatched into a life threatening situation. His heart hadn't closed right and took a few days and a small surgery to fix. It was something he shouldn't have survived but did. A true merical his parents thought.

Donald on the other hand was born in perfect health but within minutes seemed to find himself in a hazardous situation. He reached for the nearest plug and almost shocked himself. It wasn't his parents fault, bless them, they always seem to be saving Donald by a foot or arm. It was difficult with the additional task of raising his twin sister as well.

The next time Scrooge noticed their parallel luck was when they were seven. It didn't help that both of them lost their parents in the same week, seemingly making the points bold and underline for the world to see.

Donald was too shocked to process his parents' death. The four of them had been in a plane crash. Donald and Della survived but couldn't locate their parents. He practically drug his sister away from the scene as she cried. He focused on her safety versus dealing with his grief. He carried her to a nearby town and called the only number he knew, Uncle Scrooge. The incident led to years of nightmares.

About a week after the plane crash Scrooge got a different call. The man was Swedish sounding and notified him of an accident. Scrooge wasn't sure he should be the person to deliver sure news but he thought it was better than anyone else doing it. He wasn't close to Gladstone but it was better than Duckworth doing it.

Scrooge picked up his nephew from his home and gently explained how his parents wouldn't be coming home. He left the details of the avalanche while they were skiing out, for now. Scrooge couldn't help but once again how lucky he was. Don't get him wrong Gladstone was devastated but he had at least for the time being been sheltered from the real truth.

Gladstone moved in with his uncle and Donald once again had to push his own grief to the side. The boy was more than willing to be a shoulder for Gladstone and his sister because that meant he didn't have have to focus on himself. Scrooge was the only one that could see the wear and tear on the boy. Against his preference Scrooge sent Gladstone back to boarding school after the funeral. His parents had enrolled there for a reason after all and Donald needed a break.

They were both in Scrooge's care until they went to college. The private school only lasted a few years the Gladstone pulled Donald through public school. Donald struggled to maintain a decent gpa. Scrooge had offered to send them to finishing schools, after all it was their parents' money he would be spending, but the kids didn't want it. Though he could see the toll Donald's struggles were taking on Gladstone's own grades. He never said anything about it however. He did manage to split them up from time to time between adventures and holidays. Trying to allow Gladstone some rest from school and Donald a rest from the 'perfect' cousin.

If the pair living with him for thirteen years didn't make the difference in their apparent luck the next life altering situation did. They were going to college. It intrigued Scrooge and he made sure to keep close tabs on both of them during the whole process even though both of them had done it independently of him.

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