Yes, Definitely, Absolutely! (Drake x LP)

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2017 Ducktales
Drake x Launchpad

So Drake was wondering how totally not avoiding Launchpad had led to him tracking down a villain. The big lug had told him to dinner several nights ago that he wanted to go to have a movie night tonight. This was unusual because Launchpad typically just showed up and they would do something.

Drake was getting ready for tonight and instead of putting on something reasonably appropriate, he put on the DW costume and flung himself on the street. He had been deep in thought we he saw it. The shadow of a cape rounded the corner. He followed and saw the man break into the bank. His watch's silent alarm buzzed, telling him he was late, but this was important-he convinced himself.

It took longer than he thought it would to track them down and hand them over to the police. Now he was running double late to his not-possibly-ish date with Launchpad. He got to the tower and ripped off hat and mask before he noticed.

Launchpad was passed out on the couch, popcorn bowl in his lap, surrounded by snacks and candy. The start screen for the Darkwing Duck DVD was cued and play softly in the background. He realized this had been his idea. He had mentioned to Launchpad that they hadn't never seen all the Darkwings in order together. From the looks of it LP had planned a night for them. Drake was so caught up in his on head he failed to see it from LP's point of view. If it was a date, which Drake wasn't totally convinced it was, he had just stood him up.

He made his way to the couch and sat beside him. He stared at the lovable lug.

"I'm sorry Launchpad. I should've been here," Drake sighed and looked away not even able to face him asleep. "Truth is, I wanted this to be a date, but I am scared it is just you being you. Sweet, caring, and knowing I needed a day off."

The popcorn bowl that spilled on the floor. Drake sighed and move to pick it up, but LP's hand grabbed his. Drake froze, thinking he was a wake but he let out a soft snore. Drake chuckled.

"I'll make it up to you." He leaned in to kiss his check and his hand hit the remote.

The theme song started and Launchpad blinked awake and Drake snapped backwards.

"DW?" Launchpad blinked awake.

"Ah, eh, I, uh. Sorry, I got held up." He swallowed, "Bank heist."

"It's okay. I figured you did. So I made us popcorn while I was waiting." Launchpad went to reach for it and notice they were holding hands. "Oh, um, sorry."

He turned red and went to let go when Drake just squeezed a little tighter. Launchpad relaxed into it and wrapped his arm around his shoulders.

"So this is date?" Drake looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, yes. I mean no. I mean, if you think it is." Launchpad looked at him with a hopefully eyes.

Drake grabbed his free arm and pulled it around him like a blanked and used his chest as pillow.

"If I have the option, then yes, definitely, absolutely."

Word Count: 550

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