Rumors & Time! (DW x Megavolt)

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OG Darkwing Duck
Darkwing x Megavolt
Drake Mallard x Elmo Sputterspark
Awkward Coming Out

"Well, children can be cruel."
- Lego Bruce Wayne

He stood outside the crumbling house. He shouldn't be here, not like this. Not at this hour. However, he needed to see it. Elmo's child home. His childhood home too if he was being honest. He had spent more time in this house than his own, not like his parents cared where he was.

They had a long standing relationship, long before high school. That had all come to a shuttering hault when he over heard a conversation his parents had about him thinking him gay and wanting to send him away. He stopped hanging out with Elmo outside of school. Elmo had taken it personally and stopped talking to him outside of class work.

He almost tipped over the Ratcather when he saw the other person standing in front of the building. The noise got the person's attention.

"Darkwing? What are you doing here? I haven't done any crime in a week which is a record for me. Uh, I think." Megavolt said, trying to remember.

"I didn't even know you were here Mo-Megavolt." He caught himself. He had been doing that a lot more recently.

"That didn't answer my question," Megavolt sniffed.

"Why are you here?" Darkwing tried to avoid answering.

"I can't remember." Megavolt leaned forward debating on speaking more. "This place was special to me before but I can't remember why."

"You grew up here." Darkwing whispered before revving the engine. "You don't remember?"

Megavolt shook his head and noticed Darkwing about to leave.

"Wait. I want to remember will you help me?"

Darkwing sighed and hopped off the bike and walked to the dilapidated house. The front door had fallen off many years ago. Still he knocked on the wooden frame more out of habit than anything. Mo's mom hatted when he didn't knock no matter how long they knew each other. The action confused Megavolt but he didn't say anything about it. They walked into the living room and an old couch still sat there but not much else.

"Elmo Sputterspark." Megavolt looked at Darkwing like he had just slapped him.


"You're name, Elmo Sputterspark. Top of your class all the way through high school. You had the highest IQ in the school's history." Darkwing followed Elmo into the kitchen.

For the most part it looked the same. The table was missing but the lights still worked. Elmo hit the lights and dust stirred up and they coughed. There was a photo of Elmo when he was younger with his mom and dad on the fridge. He picked it up. Drake continued.

"You knew more the way the building was wired than the janitor, maybe even the original Electrician. As a freshman you rewired the lights in the gym to dance to different songs and that was long before that technically was commonplace." Megavolt chuckled and looked up from the photo. 

"Did I get in trouble?"

"Oh all the teachers knew it was you but your best friend took the heat. They knew he couldn't, uh, didn't pull something that ingenious but they didn't have any evidence." Drake laughed at the memory.

"Best friend? What was his name?" Megavolt seemed to realize the answer as the words came out. "Wait, was it you?"

Drake blinked. Did he remember? Drake shrugged and smirked.

"It was an awesome prank. I wasn't gonna let you get busted for it. Besides I had taken harder falls for you." He looked away when he said the last bit.

Elmo was quiet for a minute. "How long have you known I was Megavolt?"

"Honestly? Always probably but I didn't want to admit to myself. I would know your work anywhere but I was forced to face reality at the reunion." Megavolt nodded. He wanted to know DW's name but he knew he would give that up. He was going to have to remember on his own.

"Ever since then I've been having dreams of this house of growing up in general. I guess they're memories." Megavolt walked back into the tattered looking living room still holding the photo. "What was I like?"

Darkwing laughed and Megavolt whipped his head to look at him.

"The same. Literally the same, just no powers and better memory. That's why," Dark didn't want to finish the sentence.

"That's why you left." Mo sounded so sad. Drake straightened.

"No," That's all he said before he marched towards the stairs. Megavolt followed him upstairs. Drake moved the small twin size bed and pulled out a small shoe box of baseball cards, a rubix cube, and a photo of the pair. "I lived here too. You were my best friend. I, you, where the one that stopped talking to me in school."

Megavolt realized something. He had only a few memories when he was younger but one he had always held onto was his first love. A male duck that one day had stopped talking to him. He remembered someone telling him it had been because he was a homo.

"I thought you were embarrassed to be around me." Mo sounded sad again. Drake moved to sit on the bed.

"I was never embarrassed by you my parents thought, well, thought I was gay. I was severely closeted back then and so I started doing whatever they want to make them happy." Megavolt laughed and Dark could feel his heart sink.

"People told me that being gay is what drove you away! We should've just been honest." Drake felt his face flush. Elmo never would've condemned anyone because of their sexuality and Drake couldn't believe he thought otherwise even for a moment.

"I've missed this." Drake fell backwards on the bed. Megavolt tilted his head. "You surprising me. You've always been able to do that. I always think the worst and you seem to laugh off the problem as Elmo or Megavolt."

Megavolt seemed confused again.

"Why would you assume the worst? You're the hero aren't you?"

"Yes but I have to prepare for the worse but your optimism is always refreshing." When Dark opened his eyes Megavolt was gone but there was a sticky note on his bike.

Thank you for the memories, Drake.

Word Count: 1057

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