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Addie smiled as she walked into the cafe and saw Maya. She walked over to her sister and hugged her. She smiled as she held her sister close

Addie knew how things had been and she knew that she had missed her sister more than she'd admit

"are you okay" Maya asked as Addie nodded. Addison sat down as she ordered herself a hot chocolate and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair

"are you okay you look tired" Maya said as Addie smiled

"I am I'm pregnant aren't I? How did you get here" Addie asked as Maya smiled

"max don't worry he will keep quiet, I will make sure. I wish you Addie. I want you to come home. It's not the same without you. It's awful at home and I just wish you and your my sister and my best friend and I hate it and mum...she was trying to protect you. Look you and Simon can come back and we will find a way" Maya said as Addie sighed

"I don't know if we can"

"so what are you going to do be on the run with a baby forever as you'll give birth in a few months and you'll have to go to hospital" Maya said as Addie sighed

"I really don't know it's a mess" Addie said

Addie got back to the flat that she and Simon were staying. She looked to him and smiled as she saw him on his laptop and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"where have you been"

"I went to meet Maya" she said as Simon looked to her and frowned

"don't worry I didn't tell her where I Was staying. Look I don't know how we are doing as you know as soon as I go into labour it's game over for it Simon, we need a plan" Addie said as Simon looked to her and nodded

"I know we do look I know it's a mess and we don't know what we are donig but I love you and the last thing I want is to loose you as I know I will do anything for you as you mean the world to me and I want to make it work. I love you and our baby and I just don't want to loose you" he said as she looked to him and smiled as she sat on his lap and smiled as she leant in and kissed him and smiled

"and I don't want to loose you either" she said as he smiled.

Addie knew that part of her wanted to go home but she was scared to loose him

Addie lay in bed next to Simon and looked to him and smiled as he lay asleep. She rested a hand on her bump and sighed.

Addie knew that things were a mess and she knew it scared her but she loved Simon but she also knew how torn she felt, she didn't want to have a baby on the run with him and part of her did want to go home where her family was and it scared her more than anything else.

All that Addie knew was that she didn't know what she was going to do?

Loving her was red  (Waterloo road)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant