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Addison walked through the front door. She closed the door and stumbled slightly. She slipped off her high heels, so that she wouldn't wake her mum, her boyfriend or her sisters. She walked into the kitchen and went to grab a bottle of water. Addsion Grainger was Izzie youngest daughter and trouble was her middle name. Her sisters often joked that they brought the wrong baby home from the hospital but Addie was Izzie lookalike so it wasnt possible. Chlo and mika alwaysbsaid she needed some one to calm her Down, to tame her. Addie closed the fridge and jumped when she spotted her mum standing "holy crap" Addie said as she placed her hands over her chest. "What time do you call this?" Izzie akzed "eer" Addie said as she looked to the clock "three" "in the morning. It is hours past your curfew" Izzie said "I'm home aren't i" Addie said and Izzie smiled "that is not the point Addie, and you know it, you have school tomorrow, look get to bed we will discuss this in the morning" Izzie said as Addie sighed, grabbing her bottle of water and phone off of the side and headed off up to bed.

Addie woke up the next morning. She could feel her handover and she wished that she was not living with two English teachers, her mum and her mums boyfriend. Addie walked downstairs, Izzie was standing at the sink. "I need some water" Addie said as she grabbed a bottle out to the fridge her thought was dry. "Maybe that will teach you, not to be out into the hours of the night" Izzie said "what? How come she gets curfews and we don't" mika said "she doesn't, as it won't happen again Addison your grounded" izzie said as tom walked into the kitchen "what's going on?" He asked "Addie, in trouble again" Chlo said "not chance there then Addie" tom said and Addie too a seat next to her sister and grabbed some toast. As Izzie and tom kissed "ugh I'm going to barf" addie said no longer feeling hungry.

Addie headed to school, she was starting to wish she hasn't of drank so much. She stood in the yard as she watched as a new teacher walked into the school, Simon lowsley. Simon had previously split with his wife due to an affair that she had had with his best friend. Addie smirked at him, she knew that she wanted to get to know him, more than a teacher.

Addie walked into her lesson as the first bell went, she smirked as she seen that it was in fact,Simon who she had seen earlier. "Come in and take a seat" Simon said. Addie took a seat at the front and tugged a loose bit of hair behind her ear. Simon looked to her and smirked, he couldn't help but feel something towards Addie. At break Addie was walking through the hall "Addie?" Izzie called "it wasn't me, I didn't do it" Addie said and izzie frowned "what?" "Nothing" addie said as Izzie nodded unsure "how would you feel about Lorna staying with us for a few days" she asked "what could be worse? Three English teachers....you may as well move the whole staff room in" Addie said as she walked off "Addie....Addison come back" Izzie called as Simon stood watching, he couldn't help but watch the fiesty brunette.

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