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Addie sighed as she sat in the car as she pulled up into Rochdale. She looked to Simon and sighed  as she sat in the car next to him and smiled "are you okay" Simon asked as Addie looked to him and smiled

"I'm okay. I guess. My head is a mess with being back here and everything. I don't regret going with you as I love you. I just...it's a mess. I just want everything to be okay" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"I know it's hard. But it will be okay. We will make it work" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

Addie knew how hard that things were. Addie knew that she was going to have a baby and she wanted to be home with her family and she wanted to be at school. She wanted to do good by her baby and give her baby all that she could

Addie knew how anxious that she was. She wanted to come back but she knew all that had happened and she was scared. She was scared over seeing her mum again.

Addie knew how izzie had paid Simon off and all that has happened and she was scared. Simon took a hold of her hand and smiled as he placed a hand on her hand and smiled

"It's going to be okay. Remember you wanted to come back here. This is what you wanted" he said as she nodded

"I know but it doesn't mean I'm not scared. I love you and I know our baby and a lot has happened" she said as Simon smiled

"I know. Come on let's get some breakfast first" he said as she looked to him and nodded. She knew how nervous that she was

Addie got to the house. She stood outside pacing as she knocked on the door. She waited as meta answered and smiled "oh my god.  Your here" Maya said as she pulled her sister into a hug

"Your choking me and the baby" Addie said as Maya smiled

"Sorry so are you back for real" Maya asked as Addie looked to her and smiled

"Yeah I am. I know it's not easy but it will be okay. Dad is upstairs" she said as Addie smiled

"And mum? I don't know how i feel about seeing her after everything" Addie said as Maya looked to her and smiled

"You don't need to worry she is at work" Maya said as Tom walked down the stairs. He looked to Addie who smirked

"Hi dad" she said as Tom pulled her into his arms and hugged her and smiled

"I'm so glad your here, I'm glad that your okay" Tom said as addie smiled to herself

Addie stood outside of the house as she stood on the phone to Simon. She knew that she was happy to be back home but she felt anxious still. She ran a hand through her hair.

"Okay I'll see you later" Addie said as she turned with her back towards the front of the house. She placed a hand in her bump and sighed reminding herself why she was doing this.

She turned around and frowned as she looked to see izzie. Izzie stood in shock. She didn't think that she would see her daughter again

"Addie" izzie said as Addie looked to her and smiled

Addie walked over to her and smiled as izzie pulled her into a hug. Addie knew how none of it was easy but she was glad that she was back home

But would everything be okay?

Loving her was red  (Waterloo road)Where stories live. Discover now