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Izzie was still in the hopsital and still ill and recovering fom surgery. Addie blamedh erself over it all and had been going back to her old ways and going out and getting drunk every night. Tom was reaching breakin point when it came to addie, Maya had recently moved inand was sharing a room with addie for the year until mika left for university. Tom didnt know how to deal with Addie. He wasnt good at being strict especially with addie. He wasnt there with her while she grew up and she was the baby, his youngest child and he didnt know what to do. Addie sat in her room hungover as she looked to her phone and sighed. She looked down to the text off of simon and felt rears in her eyes as she remembered what had happened and how izzie had been looking ofr her while she was in bed with him, when she got stabbed. Addie blamed herself so much for it. It hurt her.

The door opened and Maya walked into their shared bedroom "hey" Maya said as Addie wiped the tears away hiping Maya wouldnt see. Maya sighed and walked over and climbed into bed with addie. Maya looked to her little sister and smiled "its not your fault, you know that" Maya said as Addie looked to her. The two sister were close, there was only ten months between them. Tom had cheated on Mayas mother as she was giving birth with izzie and the two girls had always been worse "she was lookig for me, we had a fight over a party and i got drunk and slpet with simon lowsley" Addie said as Maya looked to her shocked "you weret to know addie, i know what its like to blame yourself for something like this, trust me. Dad doesnt know but my boyfriend was in a car crash while i had sex with someone else, i know what its like" Maya said as Addie looked to her "does the guilt ever go away?" she asked as Maya nodded "when you learn to accept its not your fault, yes" Maya siad as Addie smiled "so, you and our deputy head huh?" Maya asked as addie groaned "sod off" she siad as she pushed Maya who feel out of the bed laughing.


Addie and Maya walked into the school. It was the first time that they had been in school together. Maya smiled to her sister as Addie spotted simon "it will be okay" Maya said as addie nodded. She looked to the ground of pupils standing in the hallway "isnt she the teachers who got stabbed kid?" she heard someone say. Addie hung her head and sighed "yeah, didnt you get your mum stabbed" he asked her as she sighed. Maya looked to him and frowend "who are you?" she asked "bolton smilie and you look fine, you could be my next girl" he said as Maya laughed "i dont do with little boys and lsien ehre, if you ever upset my little sister again. I will bury you, i will bury you alive and make you suffer. She has been through enough without scum, chav like boys acting as if they are hard and know it all. Got it?" Maya ashed as bolton nodded scared "good" maya said smirking before she let him go "come on addie, lets go" maya said as Addie smirked. Litlte did waterloo road know what had hit them as the two clarkson sister walked the halls, it wasnt gonig to be easy it was going to be trouble.

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