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Addie sighed as she sat in bed. She placed a hand on her bump and sighed. She couldn't help but feel alone. She felt poor alone then anything. She knew that her family was worried over chlo and how she was missing. She knew that only maya and izzie knew that she was pregnant but Addie knew that izzie was more worried over chlo. Addie always felt second best to her mum when it came to her sisters. Maya walked into the room and looked to Addie and smiled "dad says they're going on a search for chlo, he wants to know if your going" maya said as Addie looked to her and shock her head "no" "why not?" Maya asked as she sat next to Addie as Addie looked to her and sighed as she rubbed her eyes. She was tired and didn't feel like it "I don't want too, it's not going to bring her back. She slept with Brett and ran off over them dealing with it" Addie spat as maya looked to her and frowned.

"Are you okay?" Maya asked as Addie looked to her and shock her head "no, everything is a mess. I'm pregnant and Simon hates me all because of that stupid coming thing, my parents are more worried over chlo who isn't even my dads child and I'm scared and I don't know what to do. My mum promised that things would be okay but she hadn't even spoken to me since she found out. She probably thinks that I am an embarrassment that I'm a slag and I don't know what to do. I feel completely and utterly terrified" Addie said with tears in her eyes as maya hugged her "it's going to be fine" "I feel so alone" "your not, I'm here and I'm out going anywhere" maya said as Addie looked to her and smiled.


Later that morning, Addie got to school and stood in the hallway and sighed as she saw Simon. Maya looked to her and smiled "you need to talk to him, your carrying his child and even if you don't know what your doing. He has a right to know" maya said as Addie looked to him and smiled "I can't, how am I meant to when he won't even talk to me. This is impossible" Addie said as maya looked to her and sighed. She knew Addie was pushing everyone away and maya knew that she couldn't keep doing it "make him listen to you, your good at doing that" maya said as Addie looked to her and smirked.

Later, Addie walked into simons classroom. She looked to him and sighed "we need to talk" she said as he looked to her and sighed "I have nothing to say to you" he said as she looked to him and sighed "you do, I'm pregnant Simon and it's yours" she said as he looked to her as if he had seen a ghost "are you sure" he asked "am I sure it's yours or am I sure I'm pregnant, it's a yes on both. Some what's it going to be Simon as I say it's make your mind up wouldn't you?" She asked as she walked off.


Later that evening, Addie got home and sighed to herself. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and frowned as she saw tom as he sat in the corner of the room with a beer "I think we need to talk, your mum told me. Your pregnant" Tom said as she looked to him and sighed "I am, besides you hate me so what does it matter" Addie said as she walked out of the room as Tom looked after her and sighed To himself

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