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Previously: "Addie, what happened?" Izzie asked as she placed her hands on her shoulders "he raped me, mum,he raped me" Addie sobbed as Izzie held her close.

Izzie looked to Addie, she was shocked "Addie?" Izzie said as Addie looked to her "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" addie said as she ran off, she pushed past Izzie and ran out of the office. She felt like she couldn't  breathe, that she was having a panic attack. Addie sat on a bench outside as she tried to gasp her breathe back, she never wanted anyone to know, she never wanted her family to, she didn't want to be within miles of him.

Izzie looked to jimmy "is it true?" Izzie asked "of course its not, tell her dad" mika said "of course not" Jimmy said and Izzie frowned, she didn't trust him. "Why word she lie?" Izzie asked "don't ask me" "Addie is trouble mum, you know it, she's deceiving, she lies. She's stelas, she's out of control" mika said "yes, and this could be the reason why, she's fifteen years old, how could you" Izzie said as she charged for Jimmie, tom grabbed ahold of her holdong her back as Chlo and mika looked at their mum in shock, it was clear to see where Addie got her temper from. "Mum" Chlo said as Izzie pulled out of toms gripp "I'm going to find my daughter, I want him gone" Izzie said as she glanced to Chlo and mika "they don't go anywhere with him, not until I have found and spoken to Addie" Izzie said as she walked off, she needed to find addie

Izzie walked round the whole school for Addie, she was concerned. She was starting to worry when she spotted Addie sitting in front of a tree. Izzie signed to herself as she walked over "I've been looking everywhere for you" Izzie said as she sat down next to Addie, Addie smiled slightly as she played with the tag of her blazer "I'm telling the truth" Addie said, she didn't look up. Izzie sighed "I know, I know when tour lying and your not" Izzie soad as Addie looked up with her with tears in her eyes "oh sweetheart, why didn't you tell me?" Izzie asked "I wax nine, the first time, he said I couldn't, he said you would hate me, that you wouldn't want me if I did" Addie said as Izzie frowned "you were a chil Addie" "why did he do this, to me, what did I do to deserve it" Addie asked as she cried. "You did nothing wrong, trust me, he is the one to blame, I wish you could of told me" Izzie said and Addie sighed "I couldn't, I was scared, I was scared that if I did, it would be true and I'd have to admit it to myself" Addie said as Izzie pulled her closer "he wont hurt you anymore, I promise" Izzie said.

Addie walked back into the school with Izzie, she was scared. She walked into the office and saw Jimmie, she tense up "if it isn't the kiar" he said and Addie glanced at him "I'm not lying, you know I'm not" "dad, wouldn't do that" mika said "what do you know, it wasn't your room he snook into at nine, he's my father he is meant to be protect me" Addie said "no, I'm not" Jimmie said and Addie frowned "I'm not your father" "who is then?" Addie asked confused "I am" tom said

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