Chapter 2- Mr. Jerk-Face

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Picture of Ace on top ^^

Ace was a jerk. A mean, insensitive jerk. I should've known, he was just being nice so he could eventually break me like he did Nevaeh. Sometimes I can be so naïve.

After I stormed off I walked/jogged to my next class.When I walked in the teacher, (this time male) looked at me with curiosity. "you new here?" He asked. Cautiously I replied with a quick nod and fast walked to the back hoping he would forget and not do that embarrassing new kid introduction to the class. Sadly the fates had a sick sense of humor when it came to me.

After a painfully long and embarrassing introduction to the class. I sat down in my new seat. The school was nice. It had an amazing view of the ocean and the walls were painted baby blue. The classrooms were filled with the latest technology. The school smelled like salty water and it was huge. I haven't seen the dorms yet, but the lady at the front desk said they were amazing.The teachers were nice. Sadly I couldn't say the same for the students, the girls all hated me. Probably because Ace talked to me instead of them. The boys were plain out conceded and jerks like Ace.
"Hey new girl. My names Allie," a girl with curly beach blond hair and golden brown eyes said from the seat next to me. She was stunningly beautiful. More so then Nevaeh. She made me want to disappear. I on the other hand had light brown hair and blue eyes. I knew I was pretty, but compared to her I looked like a llama (don't ask). "Jenny, but you already know that." I said smiling. She seemed nice. "i saw you talking to Ace. Watch out he's a jerk-face." She said with a disgusted face. I laughed. "finally a girl that agrees with me," I said laughing again.

The next two periods passed in a blur. Allie was in all of my classes. She told me funny gossip about the teachers. We loved the same shows: Pretty Little Liars, and Once upon a time. We discussed how hot Hook was (once upon a time character) and who we thought -A was. When fourth period ended we walked side by side to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was huge, just like every room in this high school. We started toward the lunch line which was long. As we walked I felt everyone's gaze on us. I hated the feeling I would rather be anonymous. I got the BBQ pizza and Allie got the tortilla. Allie led me to a table in the corner of the cafeteria next to a huge window that showed a view of the everlasting ocean. Two boys and one girl were deep in conversation when we interrupted. "Chase, Alex, Julia this is Jenny." Allie said introducing me. "Hey Jenny!" they all said at the same time, they looked at each other with annoyance. I laughed. This school might not be so bad after all.
Hope you liked Chapter 2. Vote and comment if you like! Criticism is greatly appreciated!
Love you guys!😜

Immortality Sucks! (Written in 2015) Where stories live. Discover now