Chapter 15- Killer

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I sat on the toilet seat and sobbed. How does Jasmine find new ways to ruin my life.
The one good thing in my life. The light at the end of the endless tunnel, snatched out from underneath me.
The lunch bell rang and I knew I needed to get to class or Mrs. Cortez would freak out. Pulling my backpack off the now wet floor, I walked over to the stall door and was about to unlock it when I heard two people enter the bathroom. "I can't believe that girl ran out of the cafeteria just because Ace kissed Jasmine!" The first girl said. "I know in my opinion that girl is such an idiot. She should have fought back instead of bursting out of the cafeteria. I think Jasmine deserves Ace. Their both strong headed they would be a perfect couple." the other girl said.
My sadness suddenly faded away and anger surfaced. Pure raw anger. I clenched my fists and tried to keep it at bay. Hopefully the girls didn't say anything else. "yah! Jasmine and Ace would be a perfect couple!! Lets spread the rumor!" The girls squealed with excitement. The anger escalated and my vision turned red with blood lust. "come on Katie! The bells about to ring." I tried to hold back but I couldn't take the hunger any more. I opened the stall door and sprinted to block the girls exit. They gasped in surprise. "I'm sorry girls, but I'm afraid you'll be late to your next class." I said as my fangs pressed out of my gums and my vision turned red once again. The girls tried to scream, but I was moving before they could open their mouths. I pushed the first girl into the wall hard, and I heard satisfying crack. I grabbed the second girl by her hair and pulled her to me, my fangs hovered right over her neck and I whispered "this is gonna hurt," I lunged into her soft flesh and she let out a low scream like she couldn't find her voice.
The delicious taste of blood filled my mouth. My paradise. My comfort. For a few heart felt seconds I felt a mix of happiness and power. The feeling started to fade so I sunk my fangs in deeper trying to bring it back. The girl in my arms whimpered and started going limp, but I didn't care. All I could think about was the complete bliss her life substance brought me. I didn't stop until I had drained her completely. Tossing her weightless body to the side I wiped the blood off my face with a paper towel. Leaving the other girl alive I walked out of the bathroom right when the bell rang. Signaling the end of school. Walking to my locker I grabbed my first period notebook and slammed the door as hard as I could. "Oh Jenny don't point your frustration at your locker, it didn't do anything." I clenched my fists and turned around to face Jasmine. Ace stood next to her with his normal smirk plastered on his face. Except this time it wasn't playful. I scowled and tried to ignore them."oh don't ignore us JJ that's rude." This time Ace spoke up. I started to walk away, but Quinn and Lucy blocked my path. "what is this? A locker ambush," the girls tried to reply, but then remembered they couldn't. I had sired them never to speak to me again after the last time they stood against me. The girls quickly shut their mouths and Jasmine looked at them with confusion. A wicked though crossed my mind,
She doesn't know I have powers. I can use this to my advantage.
All the other students cleared out and it was only Ace, Jasmine, Quinn, Lucy and me.
"Yes, it is a locker ambush." Jasmine replied to my earlier question. "What do you want Jazz? Your getting on my nerves. I don't want to accidentally hurt you," I used my old nickname for an emotional effect. She flinched. It worked.
"You can't hurt me Jenny, you see I'm an angel your just a regular human." I burst into laughter. "First of all your no angel. And second, I'm no human." I smiled at her innocently and closed my eyes focusing. I focused on my hate at Jasmine for being a bitch, at Ace for his betrayal, and at the other girls for supporting Jasmine the bitch. I heard a faint "uh-oh," before a chorus of screaming erupted in the hallway. The screams sounded like music to my ears. I laughed at my enemy's pain it was, beautiful. I opened my eyes and looked straight into Ace's gorgeous blue orbs. "I guess you don't hate me as much as you thought." he grinned. I saw his desire, but this time it wasn't directed towards Jasmine it was directed at me. "what happened? Why did you leave me for Jasmine." "I'll explain later, make them stop screaming and tell Jasmine to never speak or touch me again." he looked deadly serious. "Ok," I said uneasily. I called my power back into me and felt it return. Slowly the screaming stopped and was replaced with panting. All three girls looked at me with fear. "Vampire," Jasmine whispered between gasps. I knelt down to her so we where at eye level. She was trembling under my gaze. This made me smile. I hummed the theme song to Vampire Diaries and focused on bending her will. Her eyes glazed over at the sound of my voice and she waited obediently for my command. "You must never speak with or touch Ace ever again. Do you understand?" I looked at her with a frown. "yes," she gave me a simple nod. I stood up and looked back down to where she sat. "and to answer your question, no, I'm not a vampire." she looked back at me with confusion. "then what are you?" she asked curiously I smiled and grabbed Aces hand. "I'm a hybrid," and with that I walked out the door leaving Jasmine with a thousand questions.
Why did Ace leave Jenny for Jasmine?
What will happen next?
Find out in chapter 16!
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