Chapter 26- The struggle is reaaalll

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"Dammit!" I said frowning at his smug look.

"Yeah you better be scared," he said smirking at me. His fangs flashed beneath his lips. "oh I'm not scared I just forgot to bring earmuffs," I said pretending to be sad. "What?" He said tilting his once hot but now disgusting head.

"Nothing." I say shaking my head. "Well bye Dylan, or whatever your name is." "My names Dieg-AHH," he screamed and fell to the ground clutching his heart. I fixed my nails as his screams faded into the background, being replaced by Nicki Minag. "Well this sucked," I murmured as I looked down at his unconscious body on the oak floor.

"Time to go hunting," I said as I pushed my way into the sea of bodies leaving Dylan on the floor.

"Heyyy babbyyy watsap?" A hot but intoxicated boy slurred as he leaned on me. He had light brown hair and hazel eyes. "Here, take a sip." he said handing me a red plastic cup. I smelled the liquid. It was beer but there was something mixed in, a drug. He was pretending to be drunk and trying to drug me.

He's in for quite a surprise.

I take a sip knowing that drugs and alcohol don't effect Angels. That was one thing Allie told me about my angel side before she totally disappeared. Ever since I started hanging with Ace she backed off.

Probably because he's a vampire and their kinds are in war. I missed her, we had to hang out sometime. "You want to head upstairs babbyyy?" The intoxicated guy said trying to keep up the drunk act. I decided to play. "Will it be funn?" I asked pretending to be dizzy and slurring my words. He smiled at my response. "yep, very."
This rapist gotta die.
"Oookk," I replied as he slowly pulled me through the partiers.

He led me up the polished stairs. Couples moved past us, I could see the guys giving the rapist that gripped me jealous glares. He just smiled deviously at them. He pulled me into a vacant bedroom and locking the door behind us. "Whatcha wanna do?" I asked him already knowing his answer. "I wanna do you," he said pushing me roughly on the king sized bed in the middle of the room.

"Oooh ok," I said nodding dumbly. He grinned at my answer and approached me. I waited patiently for him. He slowly climbed on top of me and I smiled innocently at him. Suddenly his lips connected with mine. This time there was no power radiating of him. I received a disgusting vibe from him.

His lips were forceful and he held my body against him in a iron grip. He pulled back and started to suck on my neck. "Why aren't you screaming? Or at least struggling?" He murmured between kisses. I pulled his head back from neck and looked him straight in the eye. He was still on top of me and I flipped him over so I was on top of him.

His hazel orbs widened in surprise at my strength. My anger and pain from the week slowly leaked out. Having to leave my mom, Ace doing 'it' with Hannah, and last but not least me killing Hannah. I gripped his hair roughly. "You see I was never drunk, I was hunting you not the other way around," I said smiling down at him. "Are you a cop undercover or something?" Fear leaked over his hot features.

"No much much worse. I'm technically a murderer and your my next victim. So tonight, my dear I won't be the one screaming and struggling. You will," With the last words my fangs slipped out and I plunged them in his fleshy neck. He moaned in pain and struggled under me.

His moans turned into screams and he scratched at me trying to get me off him as I ripped his flesh and sunk my fangs deeper. I acted in pure rage. Blood rushed into my mouth. So much that it soaked the rapists shirt and a bit of the bed.

The guys screams turned into gurgles and he stopped scratching my back. I pulled back to see him still conscious. A fighter. "You like screaming in pain?" I asked him harshly. "N-No," his voice was raspy and barely audible.

"How many girls did you rape?" I asked my voice filled with anger and he flinched. His eyes closed in guilt and shame. "Four," he said sadly. "Are they dead?" I asked him with disgust. "Y-Yes," he said almost crying.

"Than you deserve this," I said slowly leaning back to his blood covered neck.
"No, please I beg of you!" His voice was growing stronger. I licked his neck and he closed his eyes in fear. He was trembling beneath me and his hands clutched the bed sheets. "You beg of me? How many girls begged you to stop. hurting. them?" I said biting him shallowly with each word.

"Every one of them," His voice was breathless from my soft bites. "Did you stop?" I asked trailing my hand down his shirt. "No, I went harder on them." he said. His voice grew stronger. He was gaining energy. "I guess we're a lot alike," I said biting into him again and drowning my sorrow in his endless screams of pain.

I left the dead boy on the now blood soaked bed and walked out of the bedroom. I was filled with blood and it felt exhilarating.

Before I could head downstairs I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me into someone's chest. "Where you going beautiful?" I heard a husky voice say from behind me. The hands slowly moved up and down in a soothing motion.
Round two!

I turned to the owner of the voice. The boy had curly red hair and dark blue eyes. He was hot but not uber hot. I gave him a smile. "Follow me," he said pulling me to a room on the opposite side of the hallway.
The top floor was about to turn into a massacre.
There you go! She killed a rapist. Warning you: Next chapters gonna be bloody. Hard chapter to write but It was necessary so she could let out her feelings and feed.
Love you guys!😋

Immortality Sucks! (Written in 2015) Where stories live. Discover now