Chapter 23-Secrets

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"IHaveTooMuchEnergy," Ace zoomed out of the room.
I started after him but Mark put a firm hand on my shoulder. I turned back to him questioningly. "What?" I asked. Mark gave me a pitying look. "He has to let out Brody's energy. We need to give him privacy." I was extremely confused why did I have to give him privacy? Wasn't he going to run across the track or something I'm pretty sure he'd be fine letting me watch him lift weights. It would be a interesting sight.

"Mark what's going on?" I gave him a suspicious glance. "nothing," he was trying to avoid my question but I hit his arm. "Mark tell me or I'll use my powers," he looked frightened he'd seen what my powers could do. "Ace needs to do it," Mark said quickly. "What? Repeat please," his shoulders slumped in defeat. "Ace needs to have se-" I interrupted him with my hand before he could finish.
"Never mind, I don't want to know." Anger and betrayal burned in my chest like someone waxed my heart. He should have asked me or at least told me. Instead he ran out to find a slut to satisfy his needs. If he's with Hannah right now I'm going to kill him. Please anyone but Hannah.

I walked out of the training room, just in time to see guess who Hannah pulling Ace in the direction of the guest rooms. I felt my blood boil at the sight. I ran after them. I rushed around corners and accidentally hit people with my elbows. I got many angry looks and a couple of well deserved curse words but I didn't care I was in a love crisis. Finally I found them in front of Aces room. They were talking and Ace looked hesitant. "I can't do this to her I love her too much," my heart warmed at his sweet words. "You need to let out your energy or you'll burn from the inside out. Ace she'll understand trust me," Hannah gripped his bicep desperately.
I regret doing what I did next. It hurt my pride. I rounded the corner and walked right up to them. Ace's eyes widened and I could see his gears turning trying to come up with a witty excuse.

"It's no use I already know and I don't blame or judge you. Do what you have to do Ace," I gave him a pointed look. Ace looked at me, his blue orbs filled with guilt and sadness. They also shone with a powerful energy and I could practically feel the heat radiating off him. "I love you don't forget that," he leaned down kissed me passionately. The kiss was filled with guilt and longing and most of all love. My heart melted at his touch and I pulled away before I could change my mind and keep him to myself. Hannah looked at us with disgust and grabbed Aces hand pulling him into his room. My heart squeezed when the door slammed into my face. I left quickly. Sprinting to my room so no one could see me cry.

I ran into my large guest room tears cascaded down my cheeks making my white blouse transparent. Brody sat on my bed waiting for me patiently. His gorgeous brown eyes widened at my state and he opened his arms invitingly. I ran to him sobbing and crashed onto the comfortable bed. He held me close in his arms. So close I could hear his thundering heart beat and his intake of breath.
"I got you beautiful," he rubbed my cheek tenderly and brushed the tears off my wet eyelashes. I let out a sigh of relief and pain. All I needed was to be in someone's arms and here was Brody, perfect Brody. My thoughts faded away and my eyelids grew heavy. I slowly drifted into the endless realm of sleep with Brody hugging me tightly like I was the only light in this never ending world of hatred and despair.
Brody or Ace? I'm starting to like Brody but Ace is her true love. I'm innerly conflicted right now.
Next chapter will be romantic and action packed.
I'll probably update later today if I'm bored.
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