Chapter 20- The Plans

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P.S Read #1 on how to make a roommate think your creepy. It's hilarious! ^^^ in picture^^^
"Ok so what are we going to do?" Brody asked his voice calm. "We are going to....hmm, I don't know. What do you think we should do handsome?" I asked smiling. "Ask for a condom?" He said shrugging. I laughed and looked back at him. His face was dead serious. "Okay let's not do that. Maybe we can wait outside his room until he walks out and then make out while he's passing?" I asked. "I like my idea better," he said smiling. "Fiiiinnne," I groaned. Suddenly I remembered I didn't know where his room was. I stopped in my tracks causing Brody to run smack into my behind. "Ow, your butt is hard," he was frowning. "Sorry I'm fit," I said scowling. This guy was getting on my nerves.
"Brody do you know where Aces room is?" I asked batting my eyelashes. His eyes glazed over with desire. Haha I'm good at this. "I'll show you," he said taking the lead and dragging me through the twisted and dark hallways.
We stopped in front of a newly polished wooden door. It had a silver handle for which I found surprisingly open. I yanked open the door causing the hinges to shake. Ace was making out with the blond girl. On the bed. Half naked. I cleared my throat and he groaned with annoyance. He turned to look at me. "What do you want?" He asked tiredly. Brody spoke up I guess he was eager. "A condom," he said plainly. Aces hands made fists and he clenched his jaw. What was his problem. I wasn't allowed to ask for a condom (just to get a rise out of him) but he was allowed to make out, on a bed, half naked with a stranger? "Why do you need a condom," Ace said harshly. "If you took sex-Ed in sixth grade. You should know," Brody replied grinning at his amazing comeback. "Hey Brody!" The blond girl that was under Ace yelled waving excitedly. "Hey Hannah!" He replied.
What. The. Fuck was happening?
"Anyway can we have the thing we came here for?" I said impatiently. "No," Ace said pointing to the door. "Leave," I didn't have the energy to argue. Brody took me by the hand and led me out the door. I slammed it shut. I had gotten what I came here for Ace was jealous but sadly I was jealous to. At least I wasn't actually going to do the 'dirty deed' he was already doing it behind my back. Ace is such a dickwad.

"So what's our attack plan?" Mark said calmly. Mark had called Ace, Hannah, Brody, and I into a conference room. A map of the vampire castle was sprawled on a flimsy wooden table. The room was poorly lit, the only light source came from a single lightbulb hanging over our heads nailed into the black rock ceiling above. The room was small and simple. No other furnisher besides the table lay inside the walls. "I believe we should have half your troops at the front gate engaging in battle with the guards and the other half finding the king. Ill be the group to find my dad, he'll let me explain, hopefully. JJ will go with me" he gave me a small smile and I scowled "my name is Jenny not JJ," his face dropped. I was still mad at him for sleeping with Hannah (or almost sleeping with Hannah, I don't know if he continued after I left.) Well of course he continued he's Ace!
" who would you like to accompany you?" Mark asked hesitantly eyeing both of us. "Brody," I said quickly. Brody smiled and walked to my side. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. "I'll choose Hannah then," Ace said watching me and Brody but talking to Mark. Ace glared daggers at Brody, but Brody either didn't notice or didn't care. I smiled at that. Hannah strutted to Aces side. Swaying her hips and flipping her nearly perfect hair. Her eyes fluttered excitedly and her lips quirked up in a seductive smile. I frowned at her. She was basically throwing herself at Ace. She was a disgrace to womankind.
"We might need to train a little are you guys okay with that?" Mark asked.
"Sure," me and Ace said at the same time.
"Great see you guys in the training room. Grab a fighting partner," he said walking out and closing the metal door behind him. It was the only metal in the whole warehouse everything else was wood. "Hannah," I said right when Ace said "Brody," I scowled at him and grabbed Hannah's wrist ignoring her protests. "This is going to be a fun fight, huh?" I said glaring at her. "Whoever wins gets Ace," she said confidently.
Does she know shes fighting a hybrid.
"Okay, promise?" I said holding out my hand. "Promise," she said with a smirk.

If only I knew this girl had a terrifying trick up her sleeve.
What's going to happen when Jenny and Hannah fight?
Who will win Ace?
Find out next chapter.
Love you guys!🍎

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