Chapter 22- Ace v.s Brody

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"Bro lets get this over with," Brody and I stood on the same mat JJ and Hannah fought on. I still remember Hannah's screams. They were loud, horrifying screeches. Hopefully I remember to never fight with JJ.

Brody was good looking, I knew this when I first saw him. I also knew JJ was going to choose him to mess with me. She is so evil sometimes. I need to win this fight and beat Brody so JJ sees what a worthless piece of shit he really is.
"Yep, ready." I said bored. I still didn't know Brody's power it unnerved me to think his was better than mine. "Name your power," Mark yelled. He was getting super annoying with the whole 'formal fight' thing. "Fire!" Brody yelled.
"Energy thief," I yell too. Dammit this was going to be a long fight. Energy v.s Energy stealer.

I got in a fighting stance just when the training door opened and in stepped my lovely JJ. Her light brown hair tumbled down to her waist and her electric blue eyes were full of energy. She swayed her hips and had a ice cream cone in her hand. She ate the ice cream seductively causing chocolate to get on her exotically full lips. Every male in the room (Mark, Brody, and me) groaned when she licked the ice cream off her lips and smiled a brilliant smile. "Ready to fight boys?" She strutted to where Mark was standing. All of us watched her hungrily. She was truly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of woman.

She sat down and twisted her hair playfully. All I wanted to do was go down to her and kiss her in front of these boys, but I had to fight for my prize. I looked over at Brody and saw he was thinking the same thing. "START," Mark yelled. I closed my eyes. The only chance I could win is if I take in all his energy before he used it. I half-way drained him before he knew what was happening. He threw a well aimed fireball at my head and I ducked right on time. I did a quick forward roll and jumped up right in front of him punching him in the jaw. Brody fell to the ground, but quickly recovered.

It when on like this for awhile. I would punch him down, but he'd get back up before I could drain his energy. I felt jittery. Extremely jittery. The energy I soaked up was powerful and I wouldn't be able to contain it for long. After this fight I would have to let my energy out. Finally I punched him in the temple, he fell to the ground moaning in pain and I quickly took the rest of his power. He laid on the ground breathless. He probably wouldn't have the energy to walk for a few days. "His power will come back but It will take up to a week." I said to a gaping Mark and a smirking JJ. I guess Brody never lost.
My body shook violently and I saw JJ's smirk turn into a look of worry. She ran to my side. "Hey you ok?" Her hand touched my cheek and she looked into my eyes. "IHaveTooMuchEnergy," I didn't have enough patience to say the words slowly. I ran out of the room and ran smack into Hannah. "Sorry," I said quickly. "too much energy," she said with understanding. "yep help," I would have asked JJ, but I didn't want to have to use her. Hannah was a different story.
The only way to get rid of power induced energy is to let it out during sex and I didn't want take advantage of JJ. Our first time needs to be an act of love, not blowing out energy. Hopefully she'll understand if she finds out.
If she doesn't forgive me I'll be broken.
EWWW this chapter was hard to write. My mind is overly innocent. Hopefully this was good. It was a long chapter so yep.
Love you guys!🗿

Immortality Sucks! (Written in 2015) Where stories live. Discover now