Chapter 18- Phoneix

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Ace walked behind me as we observed the inside of the warehouse. The walls were cracked and broken. Some scorched. Suspicious brown spots scattered the floor. Window pains laid on the dirty wooden floor. The curtains were ripped and tattered. Some were in shreds. "Romantic, eh?" Ace laughed and I punched his shoulder. "Something bad must've happened here," I shivered when a wisp of cold air touched my bare thighs. "Cold?" Ace looked concerned and I smiled. "I'm fine, don't worry about me," "yah well that's exactly what you said before we ran away," he smirked at me. "well that was under different conditions." I frowned at him and walked ahead. My boots creaked against the wooden floor. I heard a whisper in one of the dark corners of the first floor.
"Who's there!" I yelled
A group of teenage boys stepped out of the shadows and into view.
"Who are you?" Ace asked from behind me.
"We're the Deadly Phoenix, the most powerful gang in Waterford. The question is who are you and why are you on our territory." the boys in the front grinned at me hungrily and I scowled in disgust. I hated gang members. Their so stupid.
"We are your worst nightmare, and If you don't leave us be we will personally hand you your asses." I replied with a smirk. The leader laughed. "You, our worst nightmare. Sweet heart you are a day dream." he looked me up and down. "Shut up," I spat. "Come on JJ lets get out of here." Ace grabbed my wrist and started pulling me towards the door. I shook him off. "What's wrong with you?" I gave him my famous questioning look. "They're a vampire gang." he looked at me with concern. "So?" I asked. "Were the most powerful vampire gang sweet heart," the leader interrupted. "I don't care if their a vampire gang," I said to Ace then I turned to the leader. "And stop calling me sweetheart," I flipped him off and he gasped in faked hurt. "Why do you hate me so much as to do that sweet heart?" The leader asked gesturing to my middle finger. "I don't hate you, I'm just simply not excited about your existence." I smiled sweetly and he scowled. This was going to be a fun talk.
I'm thinking about naming the leader Ray. How does that sound?
Should they join or fight the gang?
What will happen next time on, Immortality Sucks! (And back to the reality tv sounding end)
Love you guys!🍖
Btw this weeks dedication is to:
TheWrittingAccount for commenting on my photos and being an awesome follower. Plus writing a amazing story.
But seriously update more it's too good, and patience isn't in my vocabulary. JK.

Immortality Sucks! (Written in 2015) Where stories live. Discover now