Chapter 33- Immortal

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I don't usually correspond songs to chapters but this chapter is different!
Song: "Immortals" by Fall Out Boy
I saw a glimpse of steaming liquid before I shut my eyes and waited for the pain.

I heard the bucket tip and the decent of the liquid before it hit me. It felt refreshing, cold and silky. Gosh it felt good! I laughed and gave the king a big smile. "Not today jackass." Everyone in the crowd gasped and looked at me in shock. "H-How?!" The king looked extremely frightened and shocked.

"I don't know how but let me tell you one thing, it'll take a lot more than an tiny bit of steaming liquid to kill me." I used my newfound strength to break out of the metal cuffs holding me down. I then jumped off the wood and onto the floor right in front of the crotch guard.

I kicked him hard in the nuts and pushed him off the stage. I then jumped off the stage enraged and ran to where Ace and the King sat. Guards rushed to me but I was faster then them and got to Ace before they could reach me. "C'mon Ace, let's go!" I said frantically since the guards were getting closer.

Ace stood up but was stopped by the king. "No!" Was all I heard from him before something sharp was shoved into chest, piercing my heart. I yelped in surprise but oddly it didn't hurt. When I looked down I saw the stub of a wooden stake. A weak "Wow," was all I managed.

I looked up at a scared king and a relieved Ace. I reached down to my chest. My hand trembled with shock as I slowly pulled the stub out until it became a long stake. The stake felt heavy in my hand and my heart raced at the sight of it. Flipping it so it pointed at the king I smiled.

"Idiot," I said, my voice rang out over the now silence crowd. I slowly walked towards him with the stake out in front of me. "If I was like you I would shove this in your heart without hesitation," I spoke softly but because of the silence my voice was carried by the wind and filled the crowded corridor.

"But I'm not hungry for power. Nor am I frightened of people better then me. Therefore I am nothing like you." The last word rang off my tongue and I dropped the stake. It rolled down the stairs and stopped at the bottom with a clank.

"And I'll never be like you." My voice was laced with power and dominance and I saw the king flinch ever so slightly. "C'mon Ace," I didn't even wait for a reply I just turned around and started my way through the crowd. Which wasn't a hard task since they parted for me like the red sea.

I heard his footsteps behind me and I smiled, he chose me over his father.

We walked out of the throne room. Luckily the King and his warriors made no attempt to follow. They know they'd lose, I mean you can't beat badasses.
The car ride home was fast and I was happy to escape the intimidating castle and vile King. "Your dads a prick," I said as we pulled up to our warehouse, our home. "Ya I know," He replied giving me a lazy smile filled with relief and happiness. "Must run in the family," I replied getting out of his nice car.

"Haha your so funny," He said sarcastically. I just smiled sweetly and walked up to the door.

My head started to spin as my hand touch the cold doorknob. My knees felt weak and clumsy and my breath quickened. My eyelids felt heavy as well as my arms and head. "Wha-?" I asked as I collapsed and fell into darkness.

Legendary one combine the six.
The three realms will one day mix.
The ones who believe will one day fix
The fright of night bestowed by Nyx.

One a Hybrid power tenfold
One a prince dark but bold

One who's might will bend the night
One who's power will hold the light

One who holds the spark of life
One who's rule is sharp and bright.

Together fight the leaders,
there to ensure dark and powers rule.
The only way the peace will hold is if the six defeat the cruel.

The words rung in my head over and over again. Pain overwhelmed my body and I shot awake. "NO!" I shouted as my body shook and my headache increased. "JJ! Are you okay?!" Ace's familiar voice rung through the prophecies words.

"," I pulled my knees to my chest and rocked back in fourth trying to cradle myself. "Jenny what's wrong?" Ace was beside me. We were inside the warehouse in my guest room. The bed was unmade and the sheets were pulled up to my chest.

"This can't be happening!" I shouted. His face darkened with worry. "Jenny tell me!" He didn't ask he commanded. "P-Prophecy. I-I was told a prophecy.....Ace we're....we're in it!"
"Tell me," He whispered as he stroked my cheek tenderly attempting to comfort me. It worked and the fireworks inside my tummy were set off.

"One a Hybrid power tenfold, One a prince dark but bold." I recited the lines to him and took his hands in mine. "Ace we have to find the other four, or the world is doomed." My voice was hoarse and barley audible but I knew he heard it. "We will JJ we will. But now you must rest." And that's what I did.

I fell fast asleep in his welcoming arms and thought of what would happen tomorrow. For tomorrow we would set off on our journey to find the others. If they even existed. I knew I sounded absolutely absurd but I felt it in my gut. They were out there and we needed to get them. And defeat the rulers. Whoever the rulers are. We need to save the realms, what ever that means. And we need to save our world.

Wow, Immortality Sucks! Especially since I'm the Hybrid.
End!!! Don't worry don't worry I'll write an epilogue and get started on the second book ASAP which means tomorrow! Hope you guys liked this book!!
The epilogue is technically a sneak peek of the second book so....yah.
Sorry if this seemed rushed.
Love you guys😜

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