Chapter 32- Hell has broke loose!

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"C'mon, let's move it!" The Warriors said as they pushed me quite rudely towards the towering castle. "Gosh have you ever heard of the word please?" I muttered as I quickened my pace. "Yes but we don't need manners when we are talking to a hybrid," He spat out the word hybrid like it was a moldy fruit cake and that made me boiling mad.

"Hey dimwit this hybrid can do some major damage to you with just a glance so if I was you I'd shut your ugly tramp!" I yelled enraged. "Wow calm your tits!" My guy said as he pushed me forward more. "Sexist bastard!" I yelled and back kicked him in the crotch.

"JJ how was that sexist?" Ace asked as he gave me an amused smile. "I don't know! I just needed an excuse to kick him where the sun don't shine." I flipped my hair and walked up to the castle myself. I hated how they pushed us there like if they didn't we would accidentally fall off the stairs. Like seriously buddy I can walk! When I reached the huge door I knocked as loud as my girly hands could manage. After I finished doing the knock of Anna in the movie Frozen somebody finally answered the door.

"Good you answered I was scared i'd have to sing 'do you want to answer the door you fucktard' and believe me if it came to that you would get quite a surprise when this door opened," He face turned pale when he saw me. "H-Hybrid, HYBRID!" He yelled and immediately a whole group of warriors with fancy swords ran to the front door. I smiled and waved at them.

"Look Ace they threw a party for us!" I yelled behind me! "Ya it looks uber inviting!" He yelled back sarcastically. "Vat?" The main warrior said in a funny accent. "Haha do you mean to say what!" I asked as I cracked up. "Vas I vean vo vay vhat?" (Translation: Yas I mean to say what) I laughed harder until tears streamed down my face probably smearing my mascara.

I turned to Ace who was laughing as well. "He replaces all the first letters with a V!!" I laughed and looked back at the guards. They seemed befuddled with our reactions to them. Looking at their swords and deadly faces I'm guessing people usually cower in fear.

"Ve're vere vo vescort vou vo vhe ving,"
(Translation: We're here to escort you to the King) "O...k..a...y," I said between cackles. Ace came up next to me and our guards came back behind us. Before my guard could push me I asked him a kind question and pretended to be concerned. "Is your little friend okay?" I emphasized the word little for extra effect.

He scowled and pushed me in to the castle after Ace and his 'escort' 'helped' him inside. I followed obediently even though I desperately wanted to run around the castle screaming random words like: Pie, fat, donut, pineapple, fudge, brownie, mix, maple, pancakes and OMwowza. (That's my trademark).

We were led through tall golden halls that glowed with excellence and shone like the sun. (Wow I sound so professional). The floors glistened with polished oak and chandeliers hung from the high ceilings. Paintings of old guys who I suspect are old kings, hung on the shiny walls in high glory.

The short walk came to an end in front of two huge twin mahogany doors. One warrior detached from the group and knocked twice on the door. "Ugh that's a lame knock," I muttered as the warrior spoke loudly. "Vy Ving vour von van vhe vybrid vave vrrived," (Translation: My King your son and the Hybrid have arrived.)
"Come in!" I heard a shout from the other side of the door. We all started to awkwardly shuffle towards the door.

Ace's hand brushed ever so slightly against mine causing an explosion of familiar sparks. I looked up at his comforting smile and I grinned back. Yay I get to met his scary father! *sarcastic* The warriors opened the doors to reveal a crowded throne room. People stood silently watching us. Most looked around Ace and I's age.

Some looked a bit older, like around their late twenties. At the far right corner of the room stood a huge contraption. It was a horizontal table with hand cuffs and foot cuffs attached to keep a person down. Above it was a huge bucket. I do not want to find out what's inside the bucket but sadly the odds aren't in my favor. "Good our guests have arrived, now we can start the show!" The crowd cheered and hooted offensive things along the lines of 'kill her', 'burn that hybrid, and most hurtful 'destroy that bitch!' Gosh we just walked into a room filled with haters and judgers.

"Warriors bring my son to his rightful throne and strap that disgusting hybrid to the Burner!" Everyone cheered when he said burner. Ace was suddenly pulled from my grasp and I yelped. "Jenny!!" His voice was frantic and I saw his form being pushed through the crowd to the front of the room.

"Ace!!" I tried to leap towards him but a warrior caught my arm and started to pull me to the torture machine. "Your going to burn hybrid and it will be awesome." The same warrior that I had kicked in the crotch whispered in my ear. "You know Mr. Little man when I escape this mess of a place you will be the first person on my death list," I replied as we reached the machine.

"Haha trust me you won't survive this," He shoved me onto the wood board and strapped my hands and feet on then he lifted the machine so my feet hung off the floor. "She's strapped in my king," Crotch guy said over the excited voices of the other people in the room.

Ace sat on the throne with a pained expression on his perfect face. He looked like he was going to kill his father if he spoke another word.
I trembled at the Kings glare. "Let the bitch burn."
Wow very unprofessional for a king.
I thought as the bucket started to tip. I saw a glimpse of steaming liquid before I shut my eyes and waited for the pain.
Sorry for the cliffhanger!! I know I know don't hate me. I know how this book is going to play out and I'm so freakin excited because I've decided to make a sequel!! I got an amazing idea a while ago from the amazing avamoe234 and I'm going to put it together!! Yay!!
So excited!!
Thank you to all of the people who read this book! I didn't know it would get this far!!

Love you guys!😜

Immortality Sucks! (Written in 2015) Where stories live. Discover now