Chapter 6- Hybrid

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"What?!" I yelled at my friends so loud they flinched. "your an Angel. Your whole family is, but since that vampire changed you, you're now a hybrid. Half vamp - half Angel. So your in huge danger from our king, but it also makes you the most powerful supernatural being there is. So it's bad and good. Yay." Ace was slowly explaining their whole world to me and it wasn't making sense. "so your telling me I'm half angel half demon? How in pop tarts name is that even possible." I looked at him with a scowl. "hey vamps are so not demons. We just drain a humans life source from them until they slowly become a hard shell of what they used to be. Sooo not devilish." he said with an evil grin that I had to admit was hot. "I hate you. You know that?" I looked at him with disgust and then turned to Allie. "Angels are nice, right?" I couldn't help feeling sick. "yes Angels are the nice heavenly ones. Our opposites are vampires. Since we serve the lord and they serve Satan we are completely different. That's why you are extremely powerful though, because you have the power of a god and a demon running through your blood. A hybrid." she said with a smile, but deep down I could see her envy. Well I'm sorry she didn't get killed at a high school party but trust me it's not fun. Chase, Julia and Alex left. They had to clean up the mess the party left so it was just Ace, Allie, and I. They had brought me back in the school to teach me about their heritage and their powers. To admit i, I'm excited to learn how to control my powers. It'll be fun.
"Okay first things first. Every vampire...."
"And angel," Allie interrupted.
"Have their own unique power. Since your a hybrid you'll most likely have two powers." Ace said with a smirk. I have a feeling he likes his power.
"Let me show you," he zoomed over to me and kissed me, but it wasn't a normal kiss, he was slowly draining my energy. Before he could take to much I pushed him away. "what was that!" I yelled. "I can take away people's energy," he said with a smirk. "then why in the world did you kiss me!?" I yelled
"I thought it'd be more......entertaining,"
I glared at him and brushed myself off.
"I'll show you mine," Allie said with a grin. "your not going to kiss me too, right?"
"Of course not silly," she said said shaking her head. She slowly walked over to me and looked into my eyes.
"Drop and do a push up!" She said with a booming voice. Instantly I dropped down and pushed back up. Shocked I looked at her with respect. "how did you do that?" I asked. "its called, the gift of persuasion. I can make you do what ever I want." she said with a proud smile. I'd be proud too if I had that power.
"Ok, now it's time to find your powers, if your summoning your devil side focus on hate, if your summoning your angel side focus on manipulation" Ace said. "ok, let's do this," I focused on Ace since he was the only one I hated I this room. Closing my eyes I summoned my inner demon and felt my power rise. Looking at him i unleashed the energy in me. "AHHHHH," he screamed in pain and fell to his knees. "S-StoAHH"
he screamed again. I looked at him with worry and tried to withdraw my power back into me. Slowly I felt it returning. Ace stood up and looked at me with wonder and fear. "that's pain influence. How did you do that? It's an extremely rare gift!" He looked at me again but this time the fear was replaced with respect. "I don't know I just..." I pushed my arms out making it look like and explosion of energy "bam," I said finishing my sentence. "okay Angel time, remember focus on manipulating him." Allie said with a grin. "this should be fun to watch," I smiled at her and the turned back to Ace. This time I focused on bending his will and making him do anything for me. Suddenly I burst into song, but my voice sounded more melodic and beautiful. I used to suck at singing. What's happening? Then I looked at Ace and saw something weird his eyes had glazed over and he started to slowly walk towards me. I stopped singing when he had come to close, and he jumped back to himself.
"What the hell just happened," he said shaking his head.
"A siren! That to is a rare power," Allie said almost jumping with excitement.
"You surely are extraordinary," she said looking at me with the same respect Ace had seconds ago. "stop looking at me like that, I don't like it," I said scowling. "we'll get used to it, because you Miss JJ are our superior." They both then bowed at my feet. I groaned. This is going to be a long day.

Wow she's superior! Cool right. I have a good feeling about this story. Its going to be good!
Please Vote>3 p.s I will update All Amber tomorrow.
Love you guys!😜

Immortality Sucks! (Written in 2015) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora