Chapter 31- Meeting his dad

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"Are we there yet?" I asked in my most annoying kid voice from the back seat of the black bmw the guys threw me and Ace in.

When I tried to talk to Ace he would just ignore me.
Well sorry I wanted to be kind and let him stop running away from his father. I guess he didn't see it that way though. "No we're not there. Gosh why do you gotta be so freakin annoying!" The warrior/driver said from the front seat. The guy in the passenger seat whistled loudly letting it fill the huge dark car.

"She might be annoying but she's also smoking hot!" I scowled at the guy and yelled "Pedophile!" I'm pretty sure our kidnappers (or teennappers) were only a year older than me and Ace but....still. "I'm only a year older than you bitch!" The guy replied snapping his head to look at us.

"Really? I didn't notice since you look like the definition of 'the walking dead,'" He scoffed and turned back to the driver. They spoke in hushed voices and pulled up a window thingy separating the front seats to the back so we couldn't hear their conversation.
Ace just stared out the window without making a peep. His silence was deafening (the irony!). His face was cold and emotionless and the wind played with his black hair. I wanted so badly to hear his voice.

"Why are u so smad?" I asked. He turned to me with confusion. "What the hell is smad?" I laughed at his reaction to my creative literacy. "Sad/mad," I replied in a 'duh' tone. "Ugh your your so weird," He replied shaking his head. "Huh I'm not weird, I'm limited edition!" I said as I smacked my hand against the window to make my point.

Our capturers looked at me with confusion and I gave them a thumbs up as I slowly slinked back into my seat. Ace gave a throaty laugh. "You make it so hard to stay mad at you," he said shaking his head. I smiled at that. "Ya I know, it's a gift." I whispered the last part to him with my hand cupped around my mouth.

"Why were you mad at me in the first place?" I asked. "Because you practically threw yourself to the wolves. My dads going to attempt to kill you JJ," His eyes were clearly filled with concern and worry. "Why does he want me dead so bad?" "Because your a hybrid which means you hold more power than him which means you have the ability to steal his throne." I laughed and clutched my stomach. "Why would he think that?" "Because normal people strive for power and being King/Queen is the ultimate power," "But I'm not normal, I don't want power." I said plainly.

"I know JJ and the sooner my dad gets that through his thick skull the better."
*long car ride later.......
A huge castle came into view. I know I know it sounds cliché but seriously.....a castle. The whole building was painted a darkish grey that screamed 'Haunted!'. I shivered at the view. "I am not going inside there!" I said defiantly crossing my arms over my chest.

"Sorry Hybrid but you have to," The driver shouted from the front. "Her name is Jenny!" Ace replied. I gave him a pleased grin and then let myself sink into fear about the scary castle. I've just always been scared of castles and they're hidden doors that hold ghosts. Ace must have noticed my fear because he put his hand gently on my shoulder In an attempt to comfort me.

"Don't worry JJ we'll make it out, its my dad that has to be scared." I smiled at him even though he just made me add another thing to my scared list.
What if the ghosts help the king attack me and I die in the castle, then I'll become just another ghost and Ace won't recognize my presence. Okay now I'm just spouting nonsense. I don't know what's going to go down in this castle but I can tell you all hell will break loose.
Okay I updated!! Yay. Next chapter they might just meet the king. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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Immortality Sucks! (Written in 2015) Where stories live. Discover now