Chapter 14- Jasmine's Power

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Tap. Tap. Tap Tap. Fourth period was the stupidest class. Ever. My math teacher, Mr. Rose was sooooo boring. Today was lecture day in his class, which sounds a little educational but in reality the time is spent with us, the students listening to his theories of why his wife left him. I know he's sad his wife's gone, but seriously he should take some time off work. He's emotionally unstable. Tap. Tap. Tap Tap. I tapped my flats against the tile. I had the Vampire Diaries instrumental tune stuck in my head from last night. Tap. Ta- "will you stop tapping your feet! It's getting annoying," Ace growled from the seat next to me. Turning to him I smiled sweetly. "Nope," I set out a long strip of tappings. Tap.Tap.Tap.Tap.Tap.Rinnnggg!
I looked down at my shoes confused. Ace simply shook his head. "The class is over idiot, that was the bell." Looking over at him I scowled and grabbed my backpack. We walked out of Mr. Rose's class and made our way to the lockers. I stopped I front of mine and quickly set in the combo, making sure to guard the lock with my hand so Ace couldn't see the number sequence. Who knows what he would do if he figured it out. I mentally shivered at the thought. I stuffed my math, english, and Social Studies notebooks in my plain blue locker and sighed. I would need to decorate it later. Closing the door I almost ran smack into a boy that was leaning against the locker next to mine. He was grinning at me. Ace tensed behind me and I saw his hand twitch like he wanted to grab me, but decided against it. The boy looked down at me with dark brown eyes. His white blond hair was neatly combed. He looked familiar, but I couldn't find out where I knew him from. "Hey Jenny, I missed you at the club. Where did you go after you left me slumped on the floor In the alley."
The name was an echo in the back of my head. My stomach flipped and I felt sick. He was the boy I had feed on at the club.
Ace stepped in front of me protectively.
"I'm sorry she discarded you like the trash you are, but there's no reason for things to go uncivilized." Ace's face was dead serious. "Nothing's going to go uncivilized, just step aside and let me finish what I started," Jacksons eyes drifted to my outfit and the hunger in his eyes from last night resurfaced.
For the first time today I regretted wearing this showy outfit.
Jackson stepped forward but Ace placed a firm hand on his shoulder and stopped him from coming closer.
Jacksons gaze was ripped from me and he turned to look at Ace. His eyes burned with anger. He threw a punch, but Ace simply caught the fist in his hand and twisted. "you shouldn't have done that." Ace pulled Jackson to him kneed him in the gut and then punched him in the jaw. I knew Ace could've punched Jackson through the ceiling and that he was holding back, but I also knew I had to stop the fight fast or Ace would lose control and kill him. Jackson stumbled back holding his jaw. His eyes were filled with hatred. All suddenly he fell to the ground screaming, holding his head. Jacksons eyes watered and he drew his knees to his chest while clutching his temple. Ace stepped back shocked and realized what was happening. He turned to me and grinned. I ripped my eyes away from Jacksons head and smiled back.

We walked towards the cafeteria after our unpleasant encounter with Jackson. I knew I had forgotten something, something important, but I couldn't put my finger on it. "There they are!" Jasmine said pointing at us from across the room.
Her and her new entourage walked over to us for the second time today. I scowled and started to turn the other direction. When Jasmine grabbed my wrist and backhanded me across the face. I stood there frozen in my spot. I could almost see the smoke coming from my ears. How dare she use my boyfriend to cheat on me, bully me for the rest of the year and then come to my school, eat in my cafeteria and slap me in the face in front of everyone! I was about to punch her in the nose when she pushed me to the side and walked over to Ace with a mischievous grin. "Hello, hottie." her voice changed, it turned deep and seductive. Instantly Aces gaze tore from me and whipped to her. She touched his chest and his eyes glazed over with desire. She smiled in triumph and turned back to face me. Ace kissed the back of her neck and she closed her eyes. "Ace w-" I started but his head snapped up and he growled cutting me off. Like nothing had happened he dropped his head back down and continued to kiss her neck. My cheeks flushed red and everyone's eyes rested on me waiting to see what i'd do next. Driven by anger I stormed out of the cafeteria nearly taking the door with me. I ran down the empty hallway and into the girls bathroom. Luckily no one was in there, because I ran to the biggest stall, locked the door and started to cry.
What's wrong with Ace!? Why is he acting like a jerk?
Will Jenny get him back? Find out in Chapter 15
Love you guys!😜

Immortality Sucks! (Written in 2015) Where stories live. Discover now