Chapter 11- Out and About

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"First thing you need to know about being a vampire on the streets is: feeding." For the first time since I met Ace he looked serious. "you have to lure your prey to you. I prefer the temptation approach." he gave me a teasing smile. "what does that mean?" I asked him as I sat on the soft carpet in my room. He was pacing around the front and pointing at random stuff like he was teaching a class while I sat their bored playing with the fuzzy carpet and admiring how adorably frustrated he got whenever I looked away from him to study one of the intricate paintings I had in my room. "It means to tempt them with your looks. For me it's extremely easy. All I have to do is walk into a room and all the girls crowd me." he smirked at me and I scowled. "but for some reason my approach doesn't work on you? If you were a normal girl you'd be asking me to snuggle with you and watch movies like Twilight and Dirty Dancing." he raised his perfectly shaped eyebrow at me but I didn't admire it I simply looked at my closet pretending I wasn't interested. "Well as you can probably tell I'm not a normal girl. Therefore in not attracted to you." I replied playing with the hem of my skirt nervously hoping he wouldn't catch my lie. "No your attracted to me it's every girls nature, but the question is, why do you prefer to not act on that attraction?" He gave me a confused look. Like he was trying to read me, but a wall blocked him from getting the info he wanted. I knew he wouldn't get pass that mental wall because I had put it up after my last boyfriend Jason had broken my heart by cheating on me with my best friend, Jasmine. "anyway when we go out into town tonight you need to learn your style of feeding."
"Hmmm..oh yeah. Of course." his voice had snapped me out of my self pity.
"Hey JJ you okay?" he dropped to my side and pushed a strand of hair out of my face. The feel of his fingers lingered on my cheek. I looked into his brilliant blue eyes and almost got lost in them. Shaking myself mentally I pulled my body off the warm carpeted floor and reached out my hand to help Ace up. "Yah I'm good. Just lost in thought for a moment. Should we get ready to leave it's almost 7:30pm." I asked. He gave me a knowing smile and spoke, "I already look fabulous." I frowned and muttered, "cocky much?" "Heard that," he shouted as I stepped into the closet and gave him a sarcastic smile.

"How does this look?" I asked as I stepped out of the closet in a tight shiny purple dress. The dress was strapless and clung to my skin in all the right places.
I curled my light brown hair at the edges and put on a little mascara to make my eyes pop. I never wore makeup, but there's a first time for everything. I picked a pair of matching purple heels that went well with the dress. Ace whistled. "Even I would hit that," he smiled at my disgusted glance. "You are so messed up. Now I'm going to change into something less showy since you made me uncomfortable." I started walking back to the closet, but was stopped when Ace grabbed my waist and twisted me around so that I was facing him. "No your not. Sorry I made you uncomfortable, but you need to look that hot to impress your prey." He eyed me up and down and I could see a glint of hunger In his gaze. Was I really that desirable? Pushing away from him I stalked to my bedroom door. When I looked back he hadn't moved an inch. "What are you doing? Aren't you going to follow?" I gave him a questioning look. "Why don't we stay a bit longer?" he grinned. "What would we do here?" I asked. This made his grin widen. "I could think of something," he bit his lip suggestively.
I groaned putting the pieces together. "Your such a pervert. Come on I'm hungry and you promised to teach me how to feed." I pouted. Finally he gave in and walked over to me his head hanging low in defeat.

I said goodbye to my mom who was watching her favorite tv series, The Vampire Diaries and screaming at Damon to jump out of the screen and kiss her. Before we walked out I heard her yell, "Damon, Elena doesn't deserve you! Leave her to your brother. Date me instead you hot hunk of vamp." I laughed as the door closed and Ace walked me to his car. "your mom can be messed up," he said when I stopped cracking up. "I know right, but I understand her obsession with Damon. He is exceptionally hot." I grinned "not as hot as me right?" Ace said with a wink. "No, Damon Salvatore is way hotter." I laughed at Ace's shocked expression. "I guess I had that coming," he said with a frown.

After a few minutes of peaceful driving we parked at a dance club on Main Street. There were dozens of bars lining the street and people stumbled around everywhere. Even though it was a school/work night, the crowd numbers were surprising. As soon as we stepped out of the car almost everyone's attention was on us. The girls whispered and giggled when Ace looked their way and the guys whistled and hooted when I walked by them. Ace dropped his head and whispered in my ear. "Sway your hips more and strut with confidence. The stench in the room is the stench of pheromones which means they like you. Oh and by the way vamps have this thing called compulsion. It's like the power that Allie has except she can use hers on every being and we can only compel humans. Just look into their eyes and make them do what you want them to do. Good Luck!" He walked to the other side of the room before I could protest. Before he was two feet away from me he was engulfed in a sea of desperate human girls. Not knowing what else to do I took his advice and swayed my hips more. I also raised my chin to look more confident. After a few seconds boys surrounded me and the stench grew thicker until I felt I needed a gas mask just to breath. One boy caught my eye. He had bright white hair and dark brown eyes. Exotic. I smiled and slowly walked towards him, each step I made sure to look temping. I could tell it worked because the boy grew impatient and rushed to my side. All the other boys watched us and threw envious glances at the boy next to me. I didn't understand why they liked me so much. I never got this much attention before. Was it a vampire thing?

After a few minutes I got the hang of the whole 'look sexy' idea. I moved my body elegantly to the music and every once in a while I mimicked Aces move and bit my lip. This seemed to make the boys around me more excited. As me and the exotic boy from which I learned was named Jackson danced Ace walked up to us and smiled mischievously. "This is Gloria. Gloria meet my friend Jenny and.....?" "Jackson," I filled in for him. "Hello," Gloria flashed an extremely stunning smile at us and her and Jackson started to talk. "I see you have all the guys in here wrapped around your finger huh?" he smirked at me, "yeah I don't get it? Why do they like me so much?" I looked around and noticed half the guys in the room were full out staring at me and the other half were sneaking glances. "have you looked in the mirror lately?" he grinned. Ignoring his comment I lowered my voice. "How do you get them alone to, you know, feed?" he burst out laughing at my question as if the answer was blatantly obvious. "What?" I asked confused at his reaction. "you bring them into the bathroom and bite them. Isn't it obvious?" "Eww, that's suggestive why would you do that?" I was disgusted I didn't want to do that. It was gross. "duh? What your doing is called seduction JJ, live with it." he smiled down at me. "I won't I'll just bring him into the alley. It seems more civil." I nodded at my idea. It was way better than Aces, he's gross. "JJ your 17 grow up!" he shook his head, wrapped his arm around Gloria's waist and led her away. Jackson walked back over to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "so, Jenny where do you want to go now?" his eyes glimmered with a hunger that disgusted me, but I played along and smiled. "Follow me," I led him to the back of the club. Pushing through dozens of swaying bodies. The lights were dim and the DJ played the music to eardrum blowing heights. The pain in my stomach grew and I knew I had to feed soon. I pulled Jackson out the back door and into the dark alley. If I was a human I would have been worried of being raped or kidnapped, but not anymore. My fear subsided and my hunger surfaced. Jackson pushed my back into the wall and started to kiss my neck forcefully. I let him because I knew I'd hurt him more than he'd ever be able to hurt me. I let him kiss me until the hunger grew unbearable. Pulling his head away from my neck I looked into his eyes "don't scream," I commanded. His pupils dilated and I knew my compulsion had worked. I felt his pulse quicken as my mouth hovered over his warm neck. With a hungry growl I drove my fangs into his soft flesh. Pleasure soared through me as I felt the the comforting taste of blood hit my tastebuds. It tasted like paradise. Like all my favorite foods mixed into one liquid. It tasted like life and power. I loved it! I felt Jackson go limp in my grasp and I retracted my fangs knowing drinking any more would kill him. I licked my wound and watched as the skin slowly knit together. I kissed him on the cheek and left him in the alley. He would wake up in a few minutes. I walked back into the club and searched for Ace. I ran smack into him as he walked out of the girls bathroom. I gave him a disgusted look and asked. "Are you ready to go?" He looked at me like I had just smacked him in the face. "What now!? Oh JJ were just getting started." with a devilish grin he pulled me back into the sea of people.
Jenny's so innocent, but Ace is a party animal! I tried to make it more age appropriate. I mean the characters are 17 after all. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter.
Love you guys!😜

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