Chapter Fourteen:So Much Comfort And Strange Dreams.

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Narrators POV.

After that day, it seems everybody was giving Cross a hard time except for (Y/N). Mainly she doesn't know why everyone started giving Cross a hard time but she always knows how to fix it.

"Here you go Cross, to brighten your day up a bit".

(Y/N) has a bouquet of light pink flowers in her hand. She noticed how Cross wasn't feeling much of himself anymore so (Y/N) went out of her way to try and fix it. Cross smiled softly, accepting the bouquet of pink flowers.

"Thanks (Y/N), that's so kind of you".

Cross spoke softly as (Y/N) smiled brightly, making Cross's soul flutter. Cross Chara didn't mind it but he pretended to be disgusted in the romance going between her and Cross. Anyways, the rest of the gang were watching from behind a corner to see (Y/N) giving Cross flowers.

"Jeez after what we have done to discourage him of getting close to her had backfired on us".

MafiaFell stated as everyone listening in nodded in agreement. Even Bill, Error, Error404 and Nightmare are there and growled under their breathing. Nightmare then came up with a plan and started to smirk, he decided to leave the boys alone to their stalking on    (Y/N).

Cross's POV.

I can't help it, she is just too precious to be here. I instantly dropped the bouquet of flowers and hugged her, making her surprised as I nuzzled her neck.

"Uhm Cross, please don't do that, it's making me uncomfortable and it's not a good idea to nuzzle an angel like that, unless if the angel is in a relationship. Usually nuzzling would mean to comfort or strengthen the bond-".

She continued to talk as I zoned out, I rubbed her soft wings, again I can't help it, her wings are soft. She inhaled and sighed.

"Your not listening are you Cross?".

I snapped out of my mind state as she was giving me a blank look but I can tell she doesn't seemed amused by my ignorance.

"Sorry (Y/N), I've been thinking is all".

I apologized as she sighed.

"Well that's fine, if you want to sit in silence, we can do that if you wanted to, just tell me next time, okay?."

She asked as I nodded and smiled sheepishly. I've continued to rub her wings until she seemed to doze off to sleep. I simply rubbed and caressed her to sleep as she slumped into my chest, I smiled as she wore a cute face expression when she slept.

"You know what, I love you".

I whispered softly as she cuddled into me more, I blushed as I cuddled her back. She really does make a soft pillow.

(Y/N)s POV.

I was in a dream, this is a strange dream, I was in a white room and I could hear chatter outside.

"I'm sorry but experiment 001 has to stay put in there, she might accidentally trash the place like last time. She's mentally unstable, soon we will have to put her out, like kill her".

I put my head through the mirror and saw two doctors talking.

"What on earth are they talking about?".

I asked myself as I turned around to see a black haired girl with flowers growing on her forehead. She seems to be wearing a jacket like bandages but the two things I found strange is her bandaged ears and a fish tail.

"Someone...... Help........ Please".

She asked as I looked down at her, she looks horrible and badly injured, just what were those people doing to her. Suddenly, I heard the speakers yell out.

"Exp 001, your staying in your room for now, don't take it to heart, we are doing it for your safety since your parents sent you here".

That seemed to snap her because she looks enraged but hid it very well.

"No your not, they've sent me here because I was mental and not what they wanted".

She muttered as I noticed tears drip down her face. I wanted to help more but then it all turned to black.

I am now in my normal dream where I am in the green field with the Sakura tree. I couldn't help but think more of what happened.

"Thats not my normal dream".

I said as I looked down the clear pond, I became shocked when I saw something I didnt want to see........

A small little horn growing on the side of my head. I couldn't believe it, I'm turning into a fallen angel. I panicked heavily as I felt the horn on my head, I'm sure that Audrey and Analia will have me kicked out of heaven. Considering there isn't any fallen angels up in heaven or even near heaven.

"What am I going to do?".

An Angel Sent From Above ( (Y/N) x Bad Sanses) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now