Double the Trouble... Or Whatever It's Called For 5 People

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"Morning, Harry! Get why you were gonna introduce us to Lovegood after the game. Stuck out like a Slytherin with ten Gryffindors, she did." 

Harry, who had just woken up, turned to the voice and found himself looking back at him. Wait... himself? He pushed himself to the wall before the events of the past few weeks came back to him. 

Right, that was his dad apparently. He reached for his glasses as he was starting to realize what everyone had meant by when they said he looked so much like his dad. Before he thought they were just saying that so he could have an idea of what his parents looked like, but now... now he knew what they meant. He could see the similarities, from their hair to their recklessness. Sure there were some differences, their height and physique (and eye color), but damn did Harry just realize how much he looked like his dad.

"What- oh yeah," Harry said with a dazed smile, rubbing his eyes, "big Gryffindor cheer right?"

"Yeah! That lion hat is awesome, I want one of those! She made it roar too!" James spoke excitedly. 

Harry laughed and looked to his side. Ron was sprawled out on the bed, Draco seemingly disappeared. He turned to look ahead of him — where his bed was — and saw the two girls sleeping peacefully.

"You can always ask Luna for one of them I suppose, I'm sure she'll be more then gla-"

"Oh my Merlin, is that a cat?!" James asked excitedly. "You have a cat! Why didn't you tell me? What's their name?"

He rushed over to where Crookshanks was on the foot of the bed Harry was at and began to pet him. Crookshanks scowled before giving in, nuzzling into his fur and purring. 

"That's Crookshanks, Hermione's pet. I thought you guys had seen him before; he's always walking around the Common Room," Harry replied, grabbing his toothbrush and picking out his school clothes. 

"No! Merlin, he's adorable! Haha, wait until Sirius sees him! His dog side is gonna go crazy!" James cackled. 

Harry shook his head lightly and went to brush his teeth. As he was in the process of doing so, he heard a loud shriek followed by a, "IS THAT A CAT?" and then a, "SHUT UP!"

After brushing, he spat out the paste and rinsed his mouth before going back out. He nearly burst with laughter as he saw the scene. 

James was holding out Crookshanks (who did not appreciate being held up) towards Sirius, who was backing up towards the wall of his bed with the most horrified expression, probably to stop himself from chasing the poor animal. Dean had woken up from the noise and, Harry assumed, was the one who had yelled to be quiet afterwards.

The others must have either ignored them and continued to sleep, didn't even hear them, or couldn't be bothered to wake up. 

As Harry was dying on the floor with laughter (probably the most he had ever laughed), Pansy was beginning to wake up. She must have not recognized this as her room because her hand automatically gripped her wand, and she sat up with a start. 

She looked confused before noticing the Gryffindor boys; Sirius who was shrieking as if his life depended on it, Harry and James laughing as the reaction from Sirius was far more grand than what he expected, Remus and Ron who were sleeping soundly, Dean who wore an annoyed expression, Seamus who was just waking up, and Neville nowhere to be seen as he woke up early like he usually does.

Chaotic, she thought. Then, she noticed the bushy haired girl sleeping next to her, and she felt heat crawl up her neck. Did I actually sleep in the same bed as Hermione Granger? Bless the pure soul of whoever made this happen...

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