Some Know, Others Don't

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PS, this chapter gets pretty depressing during the middle because of my mood swings, but let's face it: We all live for angst. Just a heads up, enjoy!! 

"Morning, Parvati," he greeted. 

"Good morning, Harry!" she said cheerfully, despite the fact that it was so early. 

"I'll be back soon. If Hermione wakes up, can you tell her I'm going out please?" he asked. 

"Sure thing." 

Harry led the three into the boys dorms and made them sit on his bed.

"Don't show yourselves until Dean, Seamus and Neville get out of the dorms," Harry explained, pointing to each of the sleeping boys as he named them.

One of them stuck out their hand and gave a thumbs up and Harry left.

Harry hummed to himself as went out of the Common rooms and to Dumbledores' office. (PS. he's not in pajamas if you're wondering. He's wearing a Gryffindor Jumper)

"Acid Pops," he said as he got to the gargoyle. 

The statue spun around and showed a set of stairs. Harry hopped on and it swirled upwards until it stopped at Dumbledore's office. 

"Hello, Professor," he said. 

"Ah, I was expecting you to come, Harry," Dumbledore answered with the twinkle in his eyes. "What is it you have came here to discuss to me about?" 

"About er- Sirius, Remus and my dad," he explained. 

Dumbledore nodded, signaling for him to continue. 

"Should the whole school know that they're here? I mean, with Death Eaters starting to rise, they'll have their own ways of getting information. If they find that my dad and Sirius are supposedly alive, they'll come trying to kill them... again."

Dumbledore looked deep in thought as Harry spoke. "I do not think it is necessary for everyone one to know, yes, but I say certain people should. Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger already know. If you wish for anyone else you trust to know, then you shall tell them. I have confidence that you will choose the right people. 

"Though, Minerva and Severus should be informed about this situation. Do they ever get caught, at least two staff members will be able to help. But I prefer we wait three days to see if they go back to their time, and if they don't, we can tell the school. I do not wish for them to get bored as they can cause great trouble when they are." 

Harry looked at Dumbledore with gratefulness in his eyes. 

This mans' words were once confusing to him, but now, after spending so much time with him, it was like he understood. 

This man had been there with him since the night his parents died. 

He only left Harry at the Dursley's thinking the blood protection would keep him safe, and it was partly his own fault for not telling anyone about the Dursleys. 

He had been there with him after when he had found out Quirrell was trying to steal the stone. 

He was there after Harry had been accused of opening the Chamber of Secrets. 

He trusted him when he said that Sirius was innocent. 

He knew that Harry didn't enter himself into the Tri-Wizard Tournament. (Yes, because the 'DiDjA pUt YoUr NaMe InToO ThE gObLeTa FiYaAh' definitely means he trusts you. hmhm, go on Harry, go on.)

He was there when Sirius had died (even though he completely thrashed his office). 

Harry definitely had high respects for this man. (Honestly, I think Dumbledore is a manipulative piece of shit, but sometimes, you have to write from your characters POV and not you own...)

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