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1. What's your full name? For legal reasons, I can't say (that's a joke, im just not comfortable saying it online lmao)

2. Do you have any hobbies? I guess, I like to draw, write (wattpad and assignments I get for school i suppose), read (wattpad and irl books; currently reading Travels by Michael Critchton), bother my siblings, go out (even though I'm not allowed to haha), volleyball, etc. all that fun stuff

3. What's your favorite song? It literally changes everytime a new song comes on. I'm pretty versatile with my genres, I like pop, rap, rock, 80s, 90s, jazz, R&B, indie, ykyk?

4. What's your phones homescreen background? Ok so, I'd post a picture of both my lock screen and home screen, but I can't. My lock screen is a picture of all my friends and I (which I can't post for confidential reasons), and my home screen is a picture of my family and I (again, can't post for confidential reasons) and a few other widgets. 

5. Do you have any big dreams? To meet everyone's expectations :D

6. Did you sleep well last night? I went to sleep at like 3:30-4ish in the morning and then woke up at 4:47am because I have trouble falling and staying asleep 

7. How many friends do you have? Ok, so this one's a bit more complicated. Because I have mixed classes (like, there's no specific homeroom or whatever), my entire grade is pretty much friends with everyone else. But I do have a group of close friends which is around 14-15 people

8. Do you like math? Lol, no I hate it. The only math I like is simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Though, once I understand what I'm learning (which is rare), I think I enjoy it more

9. What's your favorite subject? I like ELA and for some reason, physics. I'd enjoy history, but I hate memorizing the dates, and math is just a no-

10. Where are you from? Born and raised in the US, but my parents are both from India

11. Do you like sports? I like volleyball and badminton, but I don't watch any of those sports. I watch a couple games of Basketball and Hockey and I tend to watch the Superbowl every year. 

12. Are you healthy? Physically? I guess. Mentally? That's a question worth not answering....

13. How much do you cost? Zero dollars 

14. Do you have any favorite singers? Literally anyone who can sing. I like Doja Cat, Queen, The Beatles, AC/DC, Guns n' Roses, Michael Jackson, and so. much. more. 

15. Do you have siblings? I have three sisters; two younger ones and one older. I'm a middle child :)

16. Can you draw? I guess I can, everyone in my family says my art looks good but it's nothing professional. 

17. How many lessons do you have on Monday? Do you mean like classes? Because I have 6 (ELA (English Language Arts), Algebra, Physics, History, Mandarin, and Robotics)

18. Do you have a crush? Nope, never have and I don't think I ever will

19. Are you single or taken? Singleeeeeee and not ready to mingle-

20. If you had a chance to take home an idol, who would it be? Tbh, I'd take them home with me just to hang out. And I'd be too socially awkward to hang out with any of them, but I think I'd take ZAYN just because he seems like a cool guy. 


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