Serious Fights

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The door slammed open and the boys inside scrambled to their feet.

"You liar!" Sirius shouted, going straight for Harry. "You fucking liar!" 

A loud smack was heard as Sirius' fist made contact with Harry's cheek. The boy didn't even flinch, his head barely moving. If Draco didn't know Harry as well as he did, he would have thought it never hurt. 

"Liar!" Sirius repeated, punching him again. Harry stumbled backwards this time, but he didn't dare make a noise. His eyes were clouded over, clearly remembering something he didn't want to.

Draco shouted and moved to restrain Sirius, looking at Remus in the hopes that he'd come in and calm the fellow Marauder down. The taller boy did no such thing, allowing Sirius to do as he pleased. In fact, he looked pretty pissed himself. 

Sirius was a force to be reckoned with and Draco couldn't pin his arms back. He swung wildly at Harry again, anger flashing in his eyes. Harry fell to the floor and Sirius was on him in seconds. 

Not Vernon, Harry reminded himself. You can fight back.

That's what Harry did. As soon as he realized that this was Sirius and remembered he was allowed to defend himself, he did. He caught Sirius' fist before it could hurt him again, pulling it to the side and forced Sirius to get off him. Harry threw a punch, effectively breaking Sirius' nose. This caused Draco to try and restrain his boyfriend rather than Sirius. 

Thing is, both Sirius and Harry knew how to take a punch. They grew up experiencing pain, and they could agree that this was very low on the scale than what they were used to. Along with that, they were both two very hotheaded Gryffindors who were very angry and upset. Sirius because he thought Harry was a liar, which Harry had no idea what that was about, and Harry because Sirius isn't Vernon so Sirius didn't have any right to hit him

The only difference is Sirius grew up around magic, and most of his punishments came that way. Harry grew up around muggles, and he knew how to fight dirty. He grew up avoiding Dudley and his little gang, back when they used to bully him. He grew up manipulating Vernon so he hit him in places it hurt less. He grew up ducking from Petunia's frying pan and avoiding her wrath afterward. He knew his way around these things and was probably the only reason he was 'winning'. He wasn't too sure the circumstances would be the same had Sirius had his wand. Merlin knows what kind of curses his mother used on him. 

It took a while, a very long while in fact, before Draco got a good grip on Harry's wild hands, pulling him off of Sirius. By then, the two were black, blue, and crimson red. Harry coughed and spat blood as he got to his feet, glaring at Sirius who was still on the floor. 

"The fuck is your problem?!" Harry shouted, still fighting against Draco's grip as he glared at the boy on the floor. 

"You're a liar, is what you are!" Sirius fired back, his words heated and holding nothing but the truth in them. "Lucky your boyfriend got you. You would have had it far worse." 

"Oh, really?" Harry laughed. "Come at me then. Go on, let's see it! Draco, let go." 

Draco struggled a bit more, mainly because Sirius was actually getting up to continue their brawl, but he still had Harry in his grasp. 

"Remus, do something!" Draco shouted, trying to look over his shoulder to spot the familiar brown hair. 

He was already moving to Sirius, placing a hand on his shoulder. The anger left Sirius' face immediately, which caused Harry to stop struggling against Draco. 

"Thank you," Draco let out. "If I let you go, will you try not to attack each other?" 

"Won't promise anything," Sirius mumbled. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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