Detention & Their Past

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The room was quiet once more as they all turned to see who had just stepped in.

Luckily for them, it was Hermione.

"Ah, thank Merlin I'm not the only girl anymore!" Pansy sighed.

"Really? Is that what you're concerned of? It could've been anyone who knows about this room!" Blaise told her.

"But it wasn't, was it?" Pansy asked.

"Oh. He's doing it again huh?" Hermione asked as she spotted Harry.

"Yeah. He's made 2 so far and he's almost done with his material," Draco said while counting the crowns made from afar.

"Sooo~ Have you found anything from the library about this?" Ron asked.

"No. Apparently there's no potion saying that it would allow you to travel to the future nor the past," she explained.

The room was silent before Draco's eyes widened. "Wait, so that

"Yup, they created their own potion—" Hermione started.

"Ha! Did you hear that Moony? We created out own potion!" Sirius exclaimed.

"—but you don't even know what you put in it," she finished, giving Sirius a stern look.

"Damn it," James muttered.

They continued talking about the subject and soon enough, Harry was done with all the supplies he got, and thankfully, the Room didn't supply any more.

He came back to reality and found himself with 3 crowns in front of him.

"Oh, finally you're done," Sirius said as he saw Harry looking around the room as if he didn't know where he was.

"Room of Requirements, Harry," Draco reminded him.

"Oh, right," Harry muttered. "Did you find anything from the library, Hermione?"

Hermione shook her head. "There's no book about a potion that takes you to the future."

"Hm. Have you tried the Restricted section?" he asked.

"No. And no, I'm — any of us for that matter — not going to check there." she said stubbornly.

"Why?" Pansy asked her.

"Because Harry's been in there once and he finds a book that can scream bloody murder," she explained.

"Mate, you've literally been in there by yourself using Lockharts' autograph," Ron added turning to Hermione.

"You know why I had to go there. Besides, Madam Pince told me which sections I could read on," she said.

"Still doesn't change the fact that you went there," Ron muttered.

"Okay, look. We don't have to go look in the Restricted Section, it was just a thought," Harry said, causing them to break up there fight.

"How you got her to break the rules with you, I have no idea," Blaise laughed.

"Fine. We'll find some other way to send them back though," Hermione said.

"But there is still a lot of risk to that," Harry muttered.

"Harry, you're talking about risk?" Blaise asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Er- yes?"

Draco laughed and the others (minus the Marauders) chuckled. "Harry, you literally knock on death's door in every situation!"

"I do not knock on his door!" Harry told them and Draco raised an eyebrow his way. "I ring the doorbell and run. He hates it when I do that."

When Time CollidesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang