Marauders Strike Again

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It was coming close to 11pm when the majority of the student population at Hogwarts had left the Great Hall. Harry and Blaise had been some of the few to retire to their beds early. The Marauders, however, had been the last people to leave the Great Hall. Actually, they only left after Filch got mad at them for staying too long.

Then they came up to the Common Room and found a mini party going on — as if the one from the Great Hall wasn't enough. Harry had passed the opportunity and went to bed. Ron decided to stay up a bit later, so he was outside with the Marauders, who would never give up an opportunity to get drunk and pass out.

"Jamsie! Come dance with me, I'm bored," Sirius called out.

"Whyyy, I'm too lazy to dance," James whined.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun!"

Sirius pulled James up from the couch and set his drink down on the nearby table. James didn't really know how to dance, but he'll never admit to that out loud. And if McGonagall noticed it, she certainly didn't mention anything. Sirius and James just settled to sway side to side to the upbeat music in the background.

In the middle of their dancing, Sirius gasped. "I just had the best idea ever. Where's Remus? We need him."

Sirius then ran off to look for the boy.

"I thought you wanted to dance," James threw his arms up in the air in exasperation before running off after him.


Pansy entered the Great Hall the next day and immediately felt an enchantment placed on her. She looked around and nearly laughed at the sight. All those who were in the Great Hall were dressed in a sickeningly bright shade of pink robes. She looked down at her own and was nearly blinded by the shade.

She looked up once more and saw a huge banner hanging just above the Head Table, reading Mischief was Made - signed, The Marauders (minus Peter)


"Oh the things I'd do for their confidence..." Pansy muttered, repeating what she had said last night. She walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down, waiting for the other to eventually join her.

She fidgeted with her sleeves as she drank her tea, feeling awkward as the only Slytherin at the "enemies" table. She was just about to leave when Sirius walked in smiling. He looked around and saw his prank set in action and walked over to where Pansy was sitting.

"Morning, Pansy. Merlin, I don't think I've ever been this hungover," he groaned.

Pansy stared at him, amused. "Well, lucky for you, I've got just the spell for that. Well, that is if you trust me."

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I? Besides, I just need this headache to go away. I think I'm going to throw up — the food smells way too strong and I think we should have picked a different color other than really bright pink," Sirius said dramatically.

Pansy chuckled and dug around through her robes. She pulled out a wand and grinned at Sirius. "Just stay still and it'll work."

Sirius did as told and Pansy closed her eyes to concentrate. It was a complicated spell and took time to practice (which, lucky for her, she did get to do) but she still needed a bit more practice on it.

She waved her wand and muttered an incantation around Sirius, and almost in an instant, he sighed in relief.

"I don't think I'm ever going to get used to that feeling — you have to teach me what you just did. Where'd you even learn how to do that?"

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