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Pansy and Hermione were taking a stroll around Hogwarts. It was the weekend and classes weren't in session. It had been a full moon on Friday so Sirius and James were in the Hospital Wing keeping Remus company.

"It's nice that Remus has people to be there for him," Hermione said softly, matching her pace with Pansy's.

"It is. He reminds me of a certain someone we know," Pansy smiled softly. She wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Harry," Hermione sighed. She tried to hide her blush at Pany's actions. She hated that she did that, but Pansy loved it. "Where are they anyways? It's been pretty quiet and that's not a good sign knowing them."

She wasn't wrong. There were very few people walking around the corridors. "Hm, they might be at the library."

Hermione scoffed. "Pansy, who are you kidding? That's Harry and Ron we're talking about. Draco and Blaise would never convince them to go to the library."

They were starting to make their way outside and onto the Quidditch Pitch.

"Yeah, you're right. Maybe they're hiding in the Gryffindor Rooms again. I think it's almost done being repaired. Hey, look at those idiots," Pansy laughed, pointing at a large group on the field who were acting stupid. There was a small crowd of students watching them.

Hermione laughed as well, squinting to get a better look. "Wait a minute... those are our idiots!"

As they approached the group, Pansy found that she was indeed correct. Hermione immediately switched to her Head Girl mode and began to reprimand each and every one of them.

"Ginny, put your wand down! You don't need to cast a Bat-Bogey hex for the 7th time this week — not on your brother of all people! Blaise, how about you stop laughing at Ron and help him escape Ginny? Luna, you're not an idiot and I really do apologize for grouping you with these people, but please don't encourage those two to see who can go higher up on their brooms. Draco and Harry! What on earth do you think you're doing up there?! You better hope you can hear me! Don't you dare stay upside down on that broom any longer, Harry! Draco, stop watching him and get him up before he falls!"

The crowd quickly dispersed and watched from afar, laughing to themselves as they watched Blaise take Ginny's wand away and Harry and Draco slowly descend from the air.

"Merlin, you're so hot," Pansy whispered in her ear, staring in awe. Hermione blushed furiously.


"Upside down on a broom, what were you thinking?!" Hermione scolded later that day.

"Really, who did that?" Sirius asked, walking into the Common Room. Gryffindor's place was finally rebuilt and people were slowly starting to make the place their home again.

"Me," Harry said from his spot on the floor. It was where he usually sat — right in front of the couch where he could lean against while enjoying the warmth of the fire.

"That's so cool! We should do that together sometime," James said from behind Sirius.

"We should," Harry smiled. Hermione hit him on the back of his head. "Ow! Jesus, Hermione!"

"How's Remus?" Ron asked the two who just entered, stifling his laughter.

"Oh, he's fine. Could be better, but he's not that bad. Poppy had him try this potion and he says that it helps," Sirius explained. "I hate that Snape made it for him, though. Who knows what he could have done."

"I know. At least our Moony's okay," James sighed. "I'm so tired. Pads, are you going to sleep?"

"Yeah," Sirius fell dramatically onto the sofa, stretching across it while laying his head on James' lap. "Merlin, my shoulders hurt."

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